May 1, 2012

He loves me.

Lately I've been asked the question:

"What made you decide to wait"


"11 months is a long time. What keeps you going?"

I could go on and on about why I love him, why I'm waiting, its so hard, but so worth it, yadda yadda yadda. But lately? the answer is simple.

No one could ever love me as much as Shawn does.

Simple as that.

I've been so blessed lately. At this point in the wait, so many girls forget what is like to have him around and forget his love. Me on the other hand? It only gets stronger as the day goes on. Especially because we have been dealing with a lot together and apart.

but again;

The answer is simple.

No one could ever love me as much as Shawn does. Care about me as much as Shawn does. and do absolutely anything and everything for me.

I wish I could explain the feelings that I'm feeling.
But its as if..
Shawn is still here. Not physically, but in my heart. As cheesy as that may sound, its true. I feel him with me everywhere I go. He loves me so much. I've done so much stuff to him to the point where I feel as if I dont deserve him, but week after week he tells me how perfect I am and how much he loves me. I couldn't have chosen a better man.

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