Dec 20, 2015

Tis' the Season!

As most of you know, my best friend and I have little girls that are only 5 weeks apart. So of course we had to do a little photoshoot of the both of them to celebrate their FIRST CHRISTMAS!

(the candy canes were cherry flavor, of course they loved them)


We had our first big snow storm of the year! I'm not really crazy about the snow, but it does make it nice when we have an excuse to stay in jammies all day and watch movies. I was so excited to show Haddy the snow, although I didn't know how she would react to it. She didn't hate it, but she didn't care for it? I mean, she didn't cry. She just sat there. hahaha. She couldn't move (my fault-I got way too big of a snow suit) and the snow was as tall as her, so yeah, moving around in it was nearly impossible.

She also loved eating the snow but everytime it would get in her mouth she would look at me like "Mom this is cold". hahah.

I love my little best friend.

Dec 14, 2015

9 Months

-hate holding still when getting your diaper changed
-never hold still period
-love playing with your friends
-love playing at the mall play ground and think you're 5 years old and can keep up with the big kids
-love climbing stairs and now its a game to see how fast you can get there before mom notices
-love pulling drawers and cupboards open
-still put EVERYTHING in your mouth
-still only have 2 teeth
-love watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Super Why!
-love eating food. Anything and everything. Even Limes!
-love ripping paper
-chase Grandmas dog around the house
-love slamming your hands on everything and listening to them 'bang'
-slip and slide all over the bath. you're crazy in the bath.
-want to walk so bad.
-smile all the time.
-sing Itsy Bitsy Spider with me

8 Months

-have two teeth on the bottom
-love sitting in a high chair
-love exploring the house
-love ''talking''
-crawl really fast to your dad when he gets home from work
-no longer army crawl 
-love climbing all over mom and dad
-reach your arms up to get someone
-want everything we are eating
-pull yourself up onto everything
-walk along side furniture
-love phones
-pull off every bow we put on you
-also take off your socks and stick them in your mouth (OH NO!)
-love walking around while holding someones hands
-get really excited about everything. You kick your legs and wave your arms.

Nov 9, 2015

Haddy's Halloween.

Eeek. I just love the holidays. My favorite time of the year has begun. October-December is truly the best. I remember being pregnant with Hadders last year at this time and was just over the moon excited to have a little one to take everywhere with me. She is at the funnest age where everything is so cool to her. I know she doesn't even know what's going on, but I couldn't just skip Halloween even if we didn't go trick or treating. (except we originally were going to).

Ever since I saw Monster Inc. I knew that my daughter would be Boo for Halloween! No doubt, I couldn't get myself to let her be anything else. We had a couple other ideas but this one just kept screaming in my ear. Once I found a wig that (kinda) looks like Boo's-I was SOLD.

And then I started making her costume. You know, the one Boo actually wears when they disguise her as a Monster? Yeah, I started working on it and it was about 90% done and then boom. Life happened. and I just never got around to making it. So I had to settle with the pink shirt/purple leggings thing she wears. Even that was hard to find last minute.

I always say that.

But I think she turned out darn cute, and so did everyone else. We loved it.

Happy -first- Halloween sweet little Haddy girl.

Oct 28, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

Last week, we took little miss Hadley to the Pumpkin Patch for the first time. She LOVED it! She loved touching all the pumpkins and people watching. hahaha. I can't wait to take her when she is older and can run around. Other than Christmas time, Fall is my favorite.  But lets talk about October, WHERE DID IT GO. Seriously, how is it November next week? I can't even believe it. This is my favorite time of the year. All these fun holidays and even better with Hadley here. I remember being pregnant last year with her and thinking about how much fun it would be with her here through everything. She is the best. We adore her.

Hadley Lashes Larkin