Nov 9, 2015

Haddy's Halloween.

Eeek. I just love the holidays. My favorite time of the year has begun. October-December is truly the best. I remember being pregnant with Hadders last year at this time and was just over the moon excited to have a little one to take everywhere with me. She is at the funnest age where everything is so cool to her. I know she doesn't even know what's going on, but I couldn't just skip Halloween even if we didn't go trick or treating. (except we originally were going to).

Ever since I saw Monster Inc. I knew that my daughter would be Boo for Halloween! No doubt, I couldn't get myself to let her be anything else. We had a couple other ideas but this one just kept screaming in my ear. Once I found a wig that (kinda) looks like Boo's-I was SOLD.

And then I started making her costume. You know, the one Boo actually wears when they disguise her as a Monster? Yeah, I started working on it and it was about 90% done and then boom. Life happened. and I just never got around to making it. So I had to settle with the pink shirt/purple leggings thing she wears. Even that was hard to find last minute.

I always say that.

But I think she turned out darn cute, and so did everyone else. We loved it.

Happy -first- Halloween sweet little Haddy girl.