Mar 23, 2014

Ahhh I love Sundays

Sundays are seriously my favorite day of the whole week. There is nothing better than relaxing around the house all day with my best friend. Lately we have been dragging ourselves to church (good thing we have callings) because 9 am church is kicking our butt. I don't know what it is about Sunday but all we want to do is lay in bed. The nice thing about church being early is that we have the whole day to lay around and do absolutely nothing.

Our day has been absolutely pathetic perfect. After church, we ate left over pizza from last night (oops-sorry diet) and watched Despicable Me 2. Now its 3 in the afternoon and we are watching 90210 and there is not a care in the world. I love Sundays because you can't do anything. So I don't feel obligated to go to the gym, or go to work. I'll just lay on the couch all day and cuddle my babe.

The best part is we will be doing this until 6. Because then we are going to my parents house for dinner. That's another great thing about Sundays; spending time with the family.

Before I end this ridiculous post, I wanted to share something I saw on Twitter. It melted my heart. I couldn't agree more with everything it said. It makes me wish I wrote it.

"Growing up, I always thought true love was red roses, dates on Saturday nights, little black box that held expensive things, and always knowing what to say. I thought true love was a kiss in the rain, deep explanations, and the perfect story. But now that I'm older, I've realized it's not like that at all. 

See because true love for me is ugly snapchats, and kissing at 6am despite the morning breath. It's singing at the top of our lungs. It's saying all the wrong things, at all the wrong moments. It's sarcasm and being honest even when it hurts. It's late hours of the night when it's been a long night and it's no make up and bad hair. It's tears from laughter, it's tears from sadness, and it's nothing like any storybook you've ever read. It's never running out of things to talk about and it's being comfortable in the silence of things. True love is watching The Notebook though you said you never would. It's getting mad over stupid things. It's "you're an idiot" and "you little shiz" and knowing you're so lucky to hear those things everyday. It's spilling your feelings at 4am when you should be asleep. It's that song you hear on the radio that always makes you smile. It's the worst story and the best story. It's ''thank goodness'' it worked out. True love is never losing the magic. True love is not leaving when things get hard. 

I like my definition better anyways."

The perfect definition of true love.

Now I'm going to get back to cuddling with my babe. xox

Mar 6, 2014

Remember me?

Hi. Remember me? The girl that used to blog all the time? Sorry I've been so MIA lately. I don't have any explanation other than I was just taking a break for a little while. I've been so caught up with work and life that I haven't really wanted to blog lately. But I'm back and I hope that I'll keep up with it.

 We celebrated my birthday a couple weeks ago and let me just say being married on your birthday is the best!A couple days before my birthday I went shopping and to lunch with my mama at City Creek and that was so fun to be with her and on my birthhday I woke up with a love note in the kitchen.

At the end, as you can see, it said for me to go to the dryer! I started laughing to myself thinking what on earth Shawn is doing.

(sorry it's sideways, it would NOT rotate)
 So then I went to the fridge! HA.

So I went to work, and my cute friend at work decorated my station and it made my whole day. I've never been one to like working on my birthday but this sure made me happy.

After work, I went home and waited for my cute husband to get home from work. When he got home, there was a knock on the door. It was my in-laws with these cute balloons and a card. So good to see them on my birthday. They are so sweet.

After they left, we packed up our stuff and left. My husband is the cutest. He surprised me with a hotel in Salt Lake, dinner, and shopping! I dont know why, but for some reason I love hotels. I love getting away even if its 30 minutes away from my home. We had so much fun. We ate dinner at this yummy fancy place, shopped at City Creek and got a cute outfit, went back to the hotel and went hot tubbing and swimming. And then we went back to the room and had birthday cake and snuggled all night. I really had the best birthday any girl could ever ask for. My hubs sure did spoil me.