Feb 5, 2014

Mom for the week

Ah I finally get to sit down and actually blog. I don't have a whole lot to blog about but the past 2 weeks have been entertaining. Ha. I have played 'mom' for the past 2 weeks. Last week for my siblings while my parents were in Cancun, and this week for my uncle's kids while they are in Hawaii!

Last week was super easy. It always is when I babysit my siblings. 16 years old, 13 years old, and 9 years old. They all pretty much take care of themselves. Other than putting a dish in the dishwasher or cleaning up their stuff when they get home from school, they pretty much take care of themselves. Ha! But really they are fun and it's so easy. It's also way nice to get away from our little apartment and go into my parents very roomy house. We like it!

But get this, two days before my parents got home, I'm sitting on the couch with Shawn. No one is home. Kids are with friends. And my brother Parker (16) calls me:
"Whats up!"-Me
"Uhhh Emily?"(hearing him start to cry)-Parker
"I just got in a huge car accident. I think I totalled my car."

I JUMPED off the couch and Shawn was like what is going on! haha. I just told him to get in the car, Parker got in a car accident. So we rushed to him. For those that are familiar with Farmington, UT, it was the overpass by Farmington Station.

Talk about scarriest moment ever. Not only are we siblings, we are like best friends so to hear that made me cry immediately. Getting off the exit and seeing the flashing lights made me sick. But he is totally okay. No one was hurt. I just can't believe that happened while my parents were gone. ha.ha.ha. and the next morning, we are cleaning the house and Tyson (9) is cleaning the basement and yells,
Yup. The ceiling was leaking from the kitchen sink right above.
-Welcome Home Parents! Hahah

This week, I'm babysitting my uncle's kids at their house while they are in Hawaii. They have three kids. The two older girls are in school all day. and then they have a little 3 year old boy (Tate) who is my little buddy all day long. We are babysitting til Friday (today is Wednesday) and I've gotten a little taste of what it's like to be a mom. And as much fun as it is, it's definitely cured my baby hunger. Haha and not in a bad way. I adore these kids so much. but it's made me realize that me and Shawn are in no rush to have kiddos of our own right now! We've only been married 7 months. We are still young! We have other things we want to do before kids come into the picture. But it's so fun playing mom and dad! Tate is the best. We play all day and he will constantly say:

"Shawn is my buddy"
"When is Shawn coming home?"
"Why is Shawn at school? Daddy's don't go to school"
^haha my favorite. Daddys. I love it!

It's so cute to see Shawn play with Tate. Seriously, melt my heart! Shawn's going to be the cutest dad in the world. (when the time is right might I add).

So two more days of babysitting and it's gonna be a fun 2 days. Tonight we have fun things planned. Bowling and arcades! We are the coolest babysitters!

Other than that, it's been a week filled with Curious George and Mickey Mouse, Arctic Circle to play on the toy, Video Games, playing with the dog, running errands with my little buddy, and bath time. He LOVES the bath!

He also loves naps so that's nice! ha.ha.ha.