Jul 12, 2015

Phone dump and a Bubble Run

I am the worst blogger lately. July is such a busy month for us. But it was extra busy this month with my brother getting home from his mission and now we are getting ready to go to Hawaii in 2 weeks! So I'm sorry in advance if I'm MIA. But who am I kidding, I don't even know if people even follow my blog. So I'm sorry for the lame blog posts to catch everyone up, and I'm sorry that this post is pretty lame as well. I was going through my phone and saw some pictures I wanted to upload, a long with the funnest day ever yesterday. So enjoy!

She really is the happiest baby.

She is the cutest after having a bath. And she loves baths too! That's why she has one every day. haha sometimes two times a day. Oops. 

Aunt Paige and Haddy bug

Ahh. Hadley at her 4 month check up. She weighs 14 pounds. The 50 percentile for her weight. She is in the 20 percentile for her height. (she is a shorty). She also got more shots that day and its soooo sad. But she did great! She is so tough. We love her so much.

It's so great having my brother home! 

Okay let me just tell you. When I saw this 5k being advertised, I immediately texted my best friend (knowing she would be just as excited as I was) and told her we were doing it. We then immediately jumped on the computer and signed up. This day goes down in history for one of the funniest days of my life. From waking up at 5:30am and until the race was over, it was complete laughter. Legit, I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. Basically, you just run through these HUGE bubble bogs. Some of the bubbles reached to our chins. It was so fun to act like a kid again. We actually forgot we were moms, we were that immature. (including a selfie stick). I'm so glad that from here on out, Holly is my 5k bestie. So don't be surprised if you see us doing every single one of them that comes to Utah.

Holls, thanks for making me laugh so hard. I will watch our videos and look at our pictures every time I have a bad day. Seriously, I'm laughing just freaking posting these pictures.

4th of July

We love the 4th! It's actually one of our favorite holidays! We do the same thing every year. Parade in the morning, BBQ in the afternoon, fireworks at night. It's the best. And so much fun to spend it with our little girl. It'll be fun when she actually enjoys it too. haha.

4 Months

-have rolled over from your back to your stomach. but can't roll from your stomach to your back.
-have learned how to yell at everyone when you are mad. It's hilarious. 
-smile all the time and have laughed a couple times.
-always play with your feet
-put everything in your mouth
-are addicted to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-are teething which is not fun but we are getting it under control with the help of teething tablets anc chew toys.
-love jumping in your jumparoo
-still hate the car. but you don't really cry anymore, you just yell.
-love playing with toys.
-always shove stuffed animals in your face.
-hate your bumbo that you're sitting in, in that picture.
-love going swimming
-have slept through the night a few times, but now that you're teething its back to waking once or twice a night.
-sleep in your own room now! Which Mom and Dad love ;) 
-love your bottles. when you see me making one, or holding one without giving it to you, you freak out.
-give me kisses on the cheek all the time
-always are holding your hands

2 Years.

June 22, 2015

Two Year Anniversary!

We celebrated our anniversary away in Park City. I'm so lucky to have the parents that I do, because they offered to take Hadley over night! I'll be honest, I was so nervous. And not for Hadley, just for my parents! I felt bad if Hadley woke in the middle of the night or if she was fussy. But it was so nice to get away and spend time with Shawn. So thanks a million mom and dad! We spent Saturday to Sunday at the Waldorf Astoria in Park City! BEAUTIFUL! We went to a movie, dinner, rode the Alpine Coaster (our favorite) and just relaxed in the hotel! It was so nice going to bed without rocking a baby to sleep. Or waking up in the middle of the night to feed her a bottle. I actually got to sleep in for once! It was HEAVEN. We ordered room service and hung out at the pool all morning the next day before we went to pick up Hadley and celebrate Fathers Day. Which was also such a special day, to celebrate Shawn being a dad for the first time. And what a great dad he is. We are lucky to have him. 

Happy 2 years boo. I love you.

Jul 10, 2015

Welcome Home Elder Elkins

It is so good to have my little brother home. I am so proud of him for serving a mission! We love you bud!

Photography: Abbie Martinsen