Jul 12, 2015

4 Months

-have rolled over from your back to your stomach. but can't roll from your stomach to your back.
-have learned how to yell at everyone when you are mad. It's hilarious. 
-smile all the time and have laughed a couple times.
-always play with your feet
-put everything in your mouth
-are addicted to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-are teething which is not fun but we are getting it under control with the help of teething tablets anc chew toys.
-love jumping in your jumparoo
-still hate the car. but you don't really cry anymore, you just yell.
-love playing with toys.
-always shove stuffed animals in your face.
-hate your bumbo that you're sitting in, in that picture.
-love going swimming
-have slept through the night a few times, but now that you're teething its back to waking once or twice a night.
-sleep in your own room now! Which Mom and Dad love ;) 
-love your bottles. when you see me making one, or holding one without giving it to you, you freak out.
-give me kisses on the cheek all the time
-always are holding your hands

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