May 6, 2012

There's a reason.

Whether you pushed me or pulled me, fueled me or drained me, helped me or hurt me, loved me or left me.. You were part of my growth so, Thank You.

I truly believe that God puts people in your life for a reason. Whether its to be in your life forever; or to be in your life for a short amount of time. God has a plan for all of us. Lately, I've been selfish. I've had so many amazing people in throughout my life help me, but especially while Shawn's been gone. And I haven't even said Thank You.  I've been through a lot of growing experiences. I am who I am today because of the people I've had in my life. I'm a stronger, better person today than I was yesterday, and I'll be a stronger, better person tomorrow. So if you are reading this, I want you to know that you have in some way, impacted my life for the better. Whether we are close now or not as close as we used to be. YOU were meant to be in my life. YOU blessed my life. and God hand picked YOU out of everyone to be a blessing and a miracle to me. So thank you. So whoever you are, just know that time we've spent together, was not time wasted.

Thank you for:
-Putting up with me.
-Making me laugh when I wanted to cry.
-Never giving up on me.
-Keeping my secrets and letting me trust you.
-Helping me through the hard times.
-Helping me live my life.
-Making me feel special.
-Making me feel loved.
-Being a friend. 

I could never say Thank You enough for everything you've done in my life. but most importantly, just always remember that at that time you were in my life or you still are, God put you there for a reason. He put you there when no one else was meant to be there. 

I truly do love each and every one of you.


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