May 20, 2012

I'm so lucky.

So Shawn never fails to tell me that he loves me every week.
He's amazing. I love hearing his stories about the mission and being a part of the experience with him! But Saturday (since it was his Pday) he emailed me the sweetest email. I dont know what happened this past week to make him love me so much haha but gosh he's so cute. I cried when I read this:

"I read a quote by President
Monson "There is a heavenly influence in all things. When things
happen they are not by accident. When we look back to what seemed to
match in our lives, we realize that maybe after all, nothing was by
accident" I translated it from spanish, so it might be a little better
in his own words than my translation. But, as I know, we didnt just
meet each other by accident. Everything has an influence in our lives. I mean how
weird is it that we grew up in the same town, same schools, and we
didnt meet each other until your junior year and my senior year. Like that doesnt just happen. Our story is so special, and our love is one of a kind. 
and it still continues to grow every day that passes by. And I get reaffirmed of this everyday. I know there are times when satan gets in our heads and gives us doubts or makes us scared of what could happen. But we are strong. We can do this! :)I love you. You are the girl of my
dreams, and no one even comes CLOSE to you. 
I'm proud of you for working so hard in hair school And im sure that you do the best work, and just outshine everyone there. Because you are my girl, and you are the best. Thanks for just being the amazing girl that you are, I know that it isnt easy doing what you are doing. And there is not one girl that can do what you are doing. I know you make lots of sacrifices and maybe sometimes feel
alone. I owe you the world for this, and that is what im going
to give you. You mean the world and more to me. I love your family too so much and can't thank them enough for making me feel a part of the family. Thank you for supporting me in my mission. You give me such a boost and help me be the best missionary. I owe you the world for helping me get out here. I love the mission and I've grown so much. My testimony is so strong and I love touching people's lives. I know that people give "the girlfriend" such a hard time but all you've done for me while I've been out, is help me be the best that I can be. You are an amazing daughter of God. He loves you so much Emily and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you so much for everything. We can do this! One more year. The mission has helped me so much and I dont have a single doubt that this church is true. I'm grateful to have a girl like you that has such a strong testimony as well. Thank you so much Emmie for everything you do for me and everyone around you. And thank you for being so strong. You've helped me in so many ways. I love you" 

He's amazing. I have the best missionary/ boyfriend in the WORLD. :)

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