Jan 24, 2012

Best 2 years.

January 24, 2010
The most amazing man in the world
became such a huge part of my life.
Yes, thats right,
Today is our 2 year Anniversary!

Its hard not having him here.
I've thought about him all day
and just kept wishing to myself
"I wish I could kiss him, I wish I could hug him
I wish I could just tell him Happy Anniversary"

Especially on this day,
I want everyone to know how blessed I am
to have him in my life.
These were the most
amazing 2 years
and defnitely the best 2 years of
my entire life.
I grew so much knowing him.
He changed my life in so many ways.
We had our ups and downs
but thru it all, it made our love stronger.

-I learned more about the gospel
-He strengthened my testimony
-He opened my eyes to my true friends
-He picked me up on my feet and showed me
the importance in life
-He made me closer with my family
-He made me HAPPY
-He showed me how it feels to be loved
and in love.
-He showed me what I'm worth
-He made me grow up
-He helped show me the 'bigger picture'
and that I want him apart of this 'big picture'

You may be thinking
"Well gosh, thats just the most perfect couple in the world"

Yes, we are something really special and have something
very unique, but it wasn't all easy for us.
We had to work at it everyday.
We would fight (rarely) and become stronger thru it
we would push each other off the edge
we would drive each other crazy
but relationships aren't easy.
they aren't perfect.
but everyday you can WORK
for them to be perfect
and that will make your love stronger.
And thats what we did.
Thats what we do everyday.

He gave me the best 2 years
that any girl could ever ask for.
Sometimes I ask myself..

Is he real?
Do I really have a man like him?
Do I deserve him?
Is this too good to be true?
Why is he so amazing?

And all those point to the answer:

Emily, you are very blessed. Hold onto him
DO NOT let him go.

So I wont!
I never will.
I'm looking forward to the anniversaries to come!

Happy Anniversary babe.
I love you sooooooo much!!


  1. So cute!! :) Happy Anniversary girly! :) I love that you have tons of pictures of you two to the right and have quotes underneath them! SO stinkin' cute :)

  2. OOOH Happy Anniversary lovely! How exciting for you, he is nearly at the year mark and then you will be on the countdown GAH how exciting. It's mine and my missionaries anniversary in a couple days too :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! I wish I would have known yesterday when I was reading my letter, and I would have said something! 2 years is a big deal! Congrats! I love you!
