Aug 16, 2013

Married Campers

All summer long, I just wanted to go camping. It's not summer if you don't go camping atleast once right? Well, Wednesday I got home from the Salon and Shawn had the cutest smile on his face. You know, the one with a secret; the one like he really wants to tell me something. I immediately asked him what he was thinking and he asked, "You get home from the Salon tomorrow at what time?" and I thought, I get home the same time every day why is he asking me this question. Then the conversation sounded something like this

"Ohhhhh just because"-him.

Over and over.
Finally I got it out of him. He wanted to go camping! Hi, so not a big deal to you guys, but as a blogger and a follower of many others, I always complain to Shawn that we are so boring and never do anything fun. All I wanted was to do something fun before school started for him. So this is fun. and I really wanted to go camping. So even better.

So now Thursday:

It's like, 7am and Shawn still hasn't gotten up for work. I'm half awake as the time keeps dragging but I don't want to wake him up. I just want to snuggle all day right? So I pretend I'm asleep. He then gets out of bed-dang it-and goes to the bathroom. I'm thinking, alright he's going to work. Then he comes running into our bedroom and jumps on me and says "Surprise, I already got work taken off. I'm going to lay here and cuddle you". K cutest husband EVER.

so he spent the day getting ready for our mini vaca while I went to the Salon.

We finally left around 5 and headed up Farmington Canyon.

And if any of you actually know me, you know that I haaaate that canyon. I've been up half way a couple times and always make the person turn around because I'm such a wuss. I scare myself too much. And if you haven't been up there.. its a skinny road that fits one car and a huge cliff off the side and if another car is coming... well figure it out.


So the whole way up I'm scared, tense, anxiety is kicking in bad but I'm staying calm for Shawn. I mean, who wants to be married to a wimpy girl right? I still gotta be cool for him. ;) But inside I'm freaking out. So I play Candy Crush to get my mind off it.

We drove aaaaaaaall the way to the top! You know where the Radar Towers are? or if you live in Utah, the 'balls' at the top of the mountain? yeah. we went UP THERE! Soo high, and so beautiful.

That would be me, scared out of my mind.
It's fine, clearly I survived.

How pretty is this view ehh?

and this view??
K he's mine.

And now I can say we kissed on top of a mountain.
Ewwww Grossss!! We're kissing!!!

Lunchables on the mountain. :)

And then we got to our camp spot. It was nice to get away for a day. No cell phones, no outside world. Just us. It was so quiet and so peaceful. I love camping.

Trunk Tent.
Cool huh!

My attempt to winking...


And then we roasted mellows :) Huge mellows.

And then we fell more in love.

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