Jul 5, 2013

A little about the big day-

It's about time to update my blog as Emily L A R K I N. That's right, I'm married now. and it's the BEST. I knew it would be great, but not this great. I've been so back and forth about blogging lately. I've wanted to blog and once I open it up, I just stare at it for a while and turn it off. So bare with me during this post because it'll probably be really random. So I still don't have my pictures from the wedding day but I do have a couple that my friends took.

Those are some of my beautiful bridesmaids. Jessica, Kelsey, and Holly. But I have others, you'll just have to wait til I get more of my pictures from the photographer!

K enough of my just babbling. The day was perfect. I know that I had angels with me that day making everything perfect. The day before the wedding it was low 60's. and the day after was high 80's. my wedding was 74 degrees all day. I was so worried that I would be sweating during pictures and just miserable but it was so opposite of that. I did not sweat once.

The temple is amazing. I am so grateful that Shawn and I could be sealed for eternity. When I walked into the sealing room and saw all my friends and family, it was incredible. And so special that I could have my brother Austin and cousin Zach there to see their first sealing right before they go on missions. I knew angels were in that room, but the ones that I could feel right next to me were my Grandpa and Grandma that passed on. Everyone in that room had tears streaming down their face. and I was surprised I wasn't a complete mess... until the sealer said "You are now husband and wife''. I completely lost it. It was easily the happiest moment of my entire life. And so so special. I looked over at Shawn as he started to cry and then he kissed me. The temple is such a sacred place and so special to me and Shawn.

The first place we went to eat as husband and wife was The Cheesecake Factory-YUM! We were both so giddy everytime we looked at each other.

Then it was time for the reception and-oh my gosh-it was PERFECT. I am so grateful for everyone that could be there and for all those that put so much time and effort into making it a dream come true. We did everything that you do at a wedding,

wait in line for hours saying the same thing over and over again, "Thanks for coming!"
cut the cake
throw the bouquet
throw the garter
and dancing!

But the best part of the whole night (besides being married to shawn) was the daddy daughter dance.
My dad is the cutest. During the dance he said, "I have a surprise for you". And right then, there were fireworks. Real, huge fireworks! I bawled. shocker. They lasted quite a while. I looked at Shawn and all my friends with their jaws dropped. No one had any idea my dad had that all planned.

Then the night ended with Shawn and I dancing to our song, and then walking out under a line of sparklers. 
Then we were off to the honeymoon. ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog recently and I really inspires me! I am so happy for you and Shawn. Your love story is amazing and incredibly inspiring. I really look up to you. I am currently long distance with my boyfriend and we are only 18. Your story has helped me in so many ways. Thank you so much, Emily! And congratulations.


