Jul 21, 2013


Okay, weird. Today was my brothers farewell. Seriously, it's weird. Didn't Shawn just have his farewell and leave me for 2 years? Yeah well now that's my 18 year old brother. WEIRD. He did so good on his talk. SO good. We all bawled when he said his 'Thank You's' to each one of his siblings, brother in law, cousins, grandparents, grandparents that passed away, to my parents, and so we all cried. Especially Tyson. For those of you who don't know Tyson, he's my 8 year old brother. Broke my heart to see Ty cry so hard. Like-the ugly cry. :(

Now we are dropping him off on Wednesday at the MTC which will suck. I didn't drop Shawn off because it's way too hard. So now here we go, dropping off my little brother! CRAZY! I'm so excited for him to serve tho. Watching Shawn go through everything was incredible and I'm so excited for my brother to go through it all. He's going to love his mission. Especially the Netherlands. Beautiful!

Now I'm blogging his whole mission. So if you want to follow that one too, you should. I'll make it a fun blog to follow.

www.elderelkins.blogspot.com :)

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