Jul 12, 2013

Lonely Wife-

So, it's currently 12:09 am while I'm sitting here staring at my screen thinking about what to write. Maybe you other bloggers would understand, when there are so many things on your mind that you want to write but you don't know where, or even how, to begin. Well that's right now, and maybe it's just because it's late or maybe it's the fact that I am not up to date on my blogging-sorry!

I'm laying down on my parents couch, trying to go to sleep. Parents house-that's weird to say. Shawn left this morning at 9 to go on a two day fishing trip with my dad and brothers. And it's super sucky! This is the first time apart since we've been married and pre marriage, the only time we went a day without seeing eachother was ONE TIME. So yes, this is a big deal! So just let me be sad ok?? Last night when we were laying in bed, he got up to get a drink and came back into the room and I was just crying "Doooon't goooooo!" (all dramatic) and then we just laughed because we both knew I was being dramatic. This morning- same thing! I'm ridiculous. But ya know what? I tear up when he leaves for work in the morning, so just bare with me folks. I'll get the hang of this whole married-and-hardly-see-each-other-thing..... eh not.

So wanna know about my day today as a lonely wife?

Got up at 8 with the hubs and ate breakfast.
Dropped him off at my house.
Watched him load up the car.
Became even more sad.
Kissed him goodbye.
Went home and got cleaned up.
Went to school all day.
Went home and watched Laguna Beach and ate junk food feeling sorry for myself.
My mom and sister came over.
Went to Hobby Lobby (therapy, seriously)
Bought stuff to decorate the apartment.
Decorated the apartment.
Ate diner.
Put on my sweats and Shawns Tshirt (and his cologne)
Went to my family's house.
Watched Safe Haven.
Uploaded my wedding pictures.
Laying on the couch.

My day has actually been a pretty good day, besides the fact that Shawn is completely out of service so I can't speak to him. ahhhh another day of this. boooo.

But I'm SO excited for him to see the apartment. It's not quite done, but I'll post pictures once it's all finished. But seriously, I love decorating it. I go to Hobby Lobby and spend hours just day dreaming about all the things I wish I could use to decorate.

Wanna know how cute of a wife I am? Because I do want to brag about it for a second. So yesterday Shawn came home from work and was getting ready for the gym. We've started going together but tonight I wanted to surprise him with dinner instead when he came home from the gym. So I made up some laaaame excuse on why I couldn't go to the gym and as soon as he left, I went to the store. I bought garlic bread, salad, salt, pepper, cheese, and we had spaghetti stuff at home. So once I got back, I started cooking. It took a lot longer than I thought. I really want to get good at cooking.

I set the dinner table all cute and fancy. Nice plates, salad in a bowl, bread on a plate, and then drinks. On our honeymoon, my aunt got us Cider and wine glasses that say Bride and Groom on it. Well, we never drank it. It just always slipped our mind. So I put that on the table.

And let me tell ya, his reaction was priceless. He was SO happy! Happy Husband makes a Happy Wife. And then for dessert I got his favorite Ice Cream, Mint chocolate chip!

I seriously love being married. It's the best thing in the world. Especially to my best friend. All we do is laugh. Even when I'm mad, we just laugh. He's my soul mate and everything to me. But you wanna know what I love more than being married? Having my husband actually WITH me. Grrr. Come home :(

I miss you!!

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