Jul 18, 2013

Thanks Lauren Conrad

K this is going to sound completely silly but all morning I've been watching The Hills. I absolutely love the show and it's totally got me thinking. I watch all these girls dating and having so many problems with guys, especially Heidi and Spencer. (poor girl) and Poor Lauren, Such a sweet girl but all these guys treat her like crap. After I watch all these shows, I'm suuuuper grateful for my marriage.

I was watching an episode where Lauren really likes this guy named Brody but one of her friends, Jen, hooks up with him thanks to Laurens so-called-best-friend Heidi. And they get in a huge fight and Lauren now hates Jen and blah blah blah. Quality TV right? And for some odd reason it got me thinking about kissing Shawn. And that led to our first kiss. I was laying on my couch thinking about our first kiss and out of no where I just started laughing to myself because the story is so cheesy. Sometimes I wish my life was on TV. It would be super entertaining to people.

The First Kiss

So I was a junior in High School and Shawn was a senior. I asked Shawn to the Christmas Dance and I was super nervous. Before the dance we hung out a couple times and there was a definite connection. I totally had the hots for him but I wasn't so sure what he was thinking. He's a guy. Do they even know what they are thinking? -haha- The night before the dance, Shawn and I, including the other people in our group, went to Temple Square in Salt Lake City. We went on a carriage ride and walked around in the cold. I mean I can hardly remember details but of course I remember the best part. It was time to leave and so I grabbed Shawns hand and said, "K lets go!" (and I started leading him to the group ahead of us to catch up) and he pulled me back and said "Not yet". He pulled me in closer to him and hugged me. A really long hug. and I kept saying "Shawn, lets go! They are leaving!" but he would not let go of me. But to be honest, I didn't care. I loved being in his arms. After what seemed like forever, I said "Are you ready to go now?" and he said "No." and I said "Why?" and then he lifted my chin and kissed me. Then said, "That's why." We caught up to the group and we were both smiling SO big and everyone knew we totally kissed. 

Now I'm sitting here thinking, Wow I'm married to that cute boy who was so nervous to kiss me. I love thinking back to our dating years in high school and how adorable of a boyfriend he was. I was so lucky to have him in high school. Having a boyfriend like him was so rare. People always asked me, "Are you going to regret having a boyfriend all through high school?" and I always said NO. Because I knew I was going to marry him someday and this was just the start of the memories. I absolutely love that I married my high school sweetheart!  He's amazing in so many ways. 

I love being married to him and I love days like today when I think back to so many great memories. 

1 comment:

  1. You are so gosh darn cute Em!! I'm obsessed with your blog <3 Keep it up!! and post pictures of your cute place when it's picture-worthy ;) love & miss you!
