Mar 22, 2013

This & That.


Yesterday was an exciting day for my brother, Austin, because he got his mission call! He's been anxiously waiting for it and so have we. It's crazy to think that my brother is going on a mission! I remember when Shawn opened his call! I'm so glad we're past that ;) I'm so excited for my brother to go though! 

So my mom is crazy. Wednesday, 2 boys in our neighborhood got their calls except for Austin. So what did my mom do? She went to the post office and gave our mail lady her number so that she could text my mom when Austin's call arrived. Hahaha my mail lady is the best. I remember when Shawn was on his mission, she'd make sure letters or packages got to me even tho sometimes Shawn put down 729 instead of 792 for my address. She just knew I had a missionary :) So yesterday at 7:30 the mail lady texted my mom and told her that the call came! Then, we had to wait anxiously for the mail to get there. Our mail came at noon, but Austin didn't open it until 7. We had to wait for family & friends to get there. 

7:00- we had atleast 50 people there waiting for him to open it. He was so nervous! My mom got a huge map and we all put sticky notes on the places we thought he was going. He opened his call and his eyes started scanning the paper and he said, "Holy crap." HELLO TELLS US ALREADY! 

Dear Elder Elkins
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Belgium/Netherlands Mission. 
Speaking Dutch, leaving July 24th!

The minute he said Belgium, I looked at Shawn and said, "Is that....?" and before I could finish my sentence Shawn said, "Holy cow babe, It is."

I grabbed my mom and told her.. "Mom! Shawn's uncle is his mission president!" My mom started crying and made a huge announcement. My brother was in shock! 

Me and Shawn just looked at each other in total disbelief as if we knew what the other was saying. That moment, it was such a testimony builder that things are pre-ordained. Of all the places in the world, my brother will be in the mission with Shawns family. The mission presidents nephew that I dated all of highschool and waited for on his mission. That I'm engaged to be married to. I don't believe in coincidences. Things happen the way they are supposed to happen. (Just like my dad married the mission presidents daughter. my dad was supposed to go to Brazil and he met my mom). Anyway, its amazing that he gets to go be with Shawn's uncle. We are so happy and excited for him! 


Today, I did hair for my friends wedding. My favorite thing in the world is to do hair and make up for weddings. After I graduate from beauty school, I want to go forward with hair and make up for brides. I love being a part of their special day and making them feel like an absolute queen. 

My wedding bag. 
(can't wait to add more) 

The Beautiful Emily Sue Vega

The back (without veil) 

Such a beautiful bride. 
Congrats Adoni & Emily Vega 

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