Mar 12, 2013


Sometimes you just can't let stress get the best of you, or your relationship.
Everyone told me, pre engagement, that being engaged is hard. Satan will get the best of you and work so hard on the relationship. He doesn't want an eternal marriage.

So before Shawn and I got engaged, we sat down and had a good talk about Satan. Not letting him get between us. But we both kind of just laughed and said, Nothing will happen.

Boy was I wrong.

Don't get me wrong, planning a wedding is SO fun! Every day when I put on my ring, I'm reminded of Shawns love and how I get to marry the perfect man. Making plans for our wedding, and pinteresting together is a blast! We've already planned so much, and trust me, you don't want to miss our wedding. We are having so much stuff, it's going to be a blast for all ages!

But the stress of -after the wedding- is what's getting to us. Shawn's been searching and searching for a job. You name it, he's applied! It just seems like no where wants to hire unless you have a special connection there!

First he started applying at all the nice places with good pay and benefits. (hospitals)
Then he started applying for banks.

Now he's applying for everything that brings in a penny. We don't care, we just need a good job for him. Especially because I'll be in school for the first two months of our marriage and won't be bringing hardly any money until I graduate and he's in school and then the tables will turn.

So that's our stress right now. Its caused arguments and tough times. LOTS OF PRAYER. But then I just remind myself that Shawn's perfect and I dont' need to be that added stress when it's scarrier for him than for me.

It's amazing that Satan will do anything in his power to make a strong couple, become weak. Shawn and I never argue but when we do its always about him finding a job.

So here I am saying sorry for always getting on your back. I know that you are trying and i know that you are a hard worker. That you are going to make an amazing Husband and an amazing father one day. I know that you are capable and have so much drive to be an incredible worker. I look up to you in so many ways and I know that as long as we are doing what we are supposed to, we will be blessed. I know it.

I love you babe.


  1. When I was trying to find a job, I just kept praying that God would help me find the right fit for me. It took a long time, but eventually I got a job in my favorite city and at a place that would help me pay for college. As hard as it is sometimes, you just have to trust that God has a plan for you and your marriage. If you live your life by God's word, he will send the right job your way. He only wants the best for you, after all. Any doubt is just evil trying to tell you otherwise. I hope everything works out for you!

  2. I feel like I'm about to just echo erins comment but here it goes anyway. Married life is hard. Ya its fun and magical and its that princessey happily ever after every girl dreams about..but man oh man..its tough. Finances suddenly become a lot more surreal.. Buying groceries becomes depressing when you realize you can barley afford top ramen...and I'm talking the store brand cheap stuff because the name brand stuff finally becomes high class rated and expensive. It really tries and tests your faith and relationship..believe me. But you just hav e to strive to be the best you can be..and make constant sacrifices a. I always try to think if what I'm doing is going to benefit my children...because they will be in the picture one day. You know how were always taught to prepare for a mission at any age and not just when you're worthy to serve? This is kind of the same thing.. Do things that will prepare you for the future (like establishing your basic foundation in the gospel..specifically turning all things over to gods) and don't wait until that last moment to prepare. It may all seem over your head now..but once you get to those obstacles, it will all make more sense. Hang in there guys! Fall to your knees even when you think its pointless! Because its never pointless!
