Jul 2, 2012

Happy & Humble.

Maybe I should knock on wood before I post this blog post:

I'm the happiest I have ever been during the wait.
I dont know what it is. But I woke up one morning and felt like a whole new person.
I think it's because I've made changes in my life. There really are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.

I have an amazing family. I am so lucky. I know that I give my siblings such a hard time, but I really have gotten so close to them this past year. I have great parents that would do anything and everything for me. They are such great examples to me of true love. I have an amazing "fake" brother, Mark. I say fake, because we aren't related, but calling him a best guy friend is no where near true. He really is the older brother I never had.

I have amazing friends. They are such supports in everything I do. They are always there for me. On good days and bad. They make me laugh so hard and we ALWAYS have such a fun time. They always give me a reason to smile. They're my rock. I dont know what I would do without them. Its so great to have such good girlfriends. In high school, I didnt have the best group of girlfriends. They taught me a lot, but mainly what I deserve. I dont have regrets, I learn from everything. And I know that having a boyfriend all through high school was hard on my girlfriends, but it was hard on me to know that they weren't supportive of me and Shawn. I was terrified that once Shawn left, I would have no body. Let me tell ya, God answers prayers. I truly have the best girlfriends any girl could ask for. I'm SO blessed. You know who you are :) Holly, Ky, Chris, Jess, and Miranda. Thank you.

I am a member of the true church. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I think that is another reason I am so happy. I heard this quote "Choose a man that brings you closer to god, than himself". With Shawn serving a mission, his example has really brought me so much closer to my Heavenly Father. He makes me want to be better every day. And with that mind set, I have never been so close to my Heavenly Father. When I pray, it's as if God is with me. Always. I read my scriptures every night, and I'm working on going to the temple once a week until Shawn gets home. thats 50 temple visits starting now. A lot of people lately have said to me "Emily, you seem happy. You are always positive. and have this light with you always". And if any of you feel dark right now, what you need to do is get closer to your Heavenly Father that LOVES YOU. Thats what I did.  and honestly, it makes me such a happier girl.

I have the most amazing job. I know that sometimes I complain about working, but I have the best co-workers. They bring me up. They support me. They are so funny. I always have such a great time working and I'm so lucky to have a job that I love going to.

I love school. Again, I know sometimes I complain going, who doesn't. But I'm a lucky girl to be doing something that I love every day and have a career at 20. I enjoy making people feel pretty and making them feel better about themselves. I guess you could call me a people pleaser, I always have been and always will be. I'm very selfless and I will ALWAYS put others first.

Last but not least, I have Shawn. What 19 year old can say she found love at 16? Not many. And how many people can say they've gone a 13 months without seeing the love of their life? and won't see them for another 11? Not many. But we're doing it. and we're coming out strong. We grow every day. Spiritually, and I love him more every day. I'm so so so proud of him. He loves his mission. and he is doing SUCH an amazing job. I wouldn't want him any where else right now. This is his time, to grow, to help others, to bring those to the gospel that I am so proud to be apart of. This is my time. My time to grow, help others, and improve myself to be that girl he's always dream't about. This is our time.

Though distance took us apart, time will bring us back together.

And in the mean time, I choose to be happy. All the time. I'll allow myself a sad time every now and then, that's healthy. But I choose to be happy. and not just to be happy for the next 11 months, but to always be happy. To always see the positive in things and be grateful for the beautiful things in life. That I'm healthy, that I live in this beautiful country, that I'm in love, that I have amazing family and friends, a great job, and that I go to school. I'm very humble tonight, and I choose to always be that way.

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