Jul 23, 2012

45 weeks left.

Some days, I think to myself...

"What on earth am I doing? Waiting 2 years for someone? Are you crazy?"

Yes I'm absolutely crazy. But am I absolutely crazy in love? You bet I am.
Pdays are so bitter sweet. I love hearing from him but hate waiting to hear another week.
I guess in a way, it's some sort of countdown. Another pday down, 45 more to go.
Some days I'm on such a high, others I'm just dragging my feet.

And then today, I got an email from him. and this is a part of it:

"The mission has done so much good in our lives Em. I have had experiences that have made me grow so much. I have experiences that I will take with me forever. I have really grown to love the gospel so much and our country. It's opened my eyes to so much. and this week, I have grown so much more in love with you. You are amazing! I know this is hard, but we are doing it. We are on the downhill side of things! If you ever have doubts or worries, just know that those are coming from Satan. You are one in 7 billion. I dont know how on earth I got so lucky to have you. You are everything to me. I cant wait to finish these next 10 months, come home, and marry you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and make me so happy. I am so proud of you for everything that you are doing. For doing so good in school and work. For making the gospel a priority by going to institute, reading your scriptures, and praying every night. I am so happy to hear that you are growing spiritually with me. This is not only my mission Em, its OUR mission. We are growing together. We are doing this together. Thats why we are going to make this work. Thats why I have no doubt that you will wait, because we are doing this together. So many couples just go off and dont work towards anything, but I'm so happy to have you Emily. You are the most amazing girl in the world and I'm so lucky to have you. I love you so much...."

And it went on to tell me about his mission. He had a good week this week, but came across a lot of hardships and thats what made him so humble this week. He had to give a lot of blessings to unfortunate people and he realized how lucky he is to have a family that he does, to live in the US, and to have me. I am so lucky to have him. I am speechless when I read his emails, I know without a doubt that we are going to make this work and be more in love than ever when he gets home.

I love him so much.

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