Sep 6, 2011

Lesson Learned.

Here's the story.

As you can tell
I have a new blog.
A week ago I decided to delete one of my gmail accounts
since I have two.
Not knowing which one to delete
I just randomly chose one.
Sure enough,
I deleted the account that was holding my blog.
I didnt know this until I went to view my blog
and a big box showed up on my page that said
This blog has been deleted.
My heart sank.
I stared at the screen for a minute
before tears started flooding my eyes.
"How could this happen to me?"
"How could I be so careless. I should of been more careful"
I did everything.
I filled out forms online to reactivate my account,
and google kept telling me that
I wasn't the account holder because my answers didnt match up
to the questions.
I was so frustrated.
I did this four times
and everytime they told me I wasn't right.
For about 2 !/2 hours
I googled everything.
I then decided to call google.
and they also told me they couldn't do anything.
I gave up.

You may be asking,
"Why is she making such a big deal over a stupid blog?!"
And you're right.
Its stupid to make a big deal over.
But this was my journal for the past three months of Shawn being gone.
I have every reason in the world to over react.
But on the bright side..
atleast this didnt happen a year or so into the waiting game.

So now onto the lesson learned.
NEVER trust the internet.
I am now printing and saving everything!
Because you never know what will be the next thing deleted.

this girl helped me find some of my blog posts from my old blog.
Maybe google isn't such a horrible thing afterall.
And I will soon upload those posts in case any
of you want to read them.

Thanks for all your patience everyone.
Shawn is in Chile and absolutely loves it!
He is already the best missionary ever!!
I'll be posting again soon
because he sent pictures!!
I love him ♥

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! I just found the MG facebook page today. My man's been out for just about 4 months now. Love all your pictures too!
