Oct 26, 2015

Witches Night Out

Friday, my mom and I were texting about what she had planned for the night. She had a few plans and mentioned Witches Night Out. I've always wanted to go to it, but was just going to go next year when Hadley was older and start that little tradition with her. But when my mom mentioned it, it sounded so fun. I've seen all over social media girls going to it, and it looked fun-and girls talk about it all the time and go every year. So it sounded like a big deal. So after going back and forth about it for an hour we finally decided to just go. But that also meant we had to find witch hats and make a tutu for my sister. (her softball team was dressing in tutus) all in about 4 hours. HA!

Luckily we got it all done after going to 3 stores.

Then my mom made Paiges tutu and she had a moment. And when I say a moment, I mean drama. She is 14. It had to be PERFECT. But it was cute and I told her to suck it up because she knew about this for 3 weeks and decided last minute to go hahaha. Typical Elkins thing to do. Then when we got in the car, my dad called my mom and mentioned to her that traffic was going to take about an hour and a half to get out there. NO WAY was I doing that with Hadley. It was already 5:30 and she usually goes to bed at 7. Which is fine if she is up past her bed time, but I just knew she would be an awnry butt. And the place we were going to was a little far away so by the time we got home I knew Hadley would be beyond done. So we took a different route and it was a lot less crowded than the free way so we thought we could make it. About 10 minutes in, Hadley did what she always does. And if you read a few posts back, you should know what I'm talking about.

She pooped.

She always does. She thinks the car seat is her toilet. EVERYTIME. I'm not even joking guys. I can't take her anywhere without her pooping and possibly having a blow out. So we pulled over off an exit to change her diaper, because Hadley was in a little cat costume and if she had a blowout then that sucks and we weren't going to go because I didn't have a change of clothes. Luckily she didn't. So we changed her diaper and got back on the road.

And I'm SO HAPPY we went. It was soooo much fun. Seriously, now I know what all the fuss is about. Its is darling. Its at Gardner Village. The cutest little shops. All decorated Halloween. Everyone dressed like a witch. Yummy caramel apples. Food. Dancing. Loud music. I will go every year.

Every witch needs a black cat.

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