Oct 15, 2015



When did life get so busy??
I really wish I blogged more. For a little bit, I just didn't want to. I didn't know if anyone actually read this thing, until a lot of people brought it to my attention. So I'm sorry. And if people don't even read this, atleast it's for myself. Because I really do want to turn this into a book for myself one day. So while Hadley is sleeping, I'm taking a break from laundry, and cleaning, and packing. and I'm just going to sit down. Post my pictures. and type.

Life has been crazy. Hadley is now on the move, and she needs my constant attention. It's October and feels like August outside. I'm sick of it. I have a closet full of clothes just ready for me to wear but I can't even put them on. So I may or may not live in work out clothes and baggy t shirts every day. And I even hate being outside because I am just over the heat. But I know when it starts snowing, I'll be complaining too. Haha. Whatever. I just love fall and I love pumpkin EVERY THING but it's too hard to enjoy pumpkin when its 80+ degrees outside.

We are getting ready to go out of town tomorrow. And by we, I mean me of course because Shawn works all day. Totally fine. I just have a list of things to do and of course I'm not doing them. Why do I always wait until last minute?
Can you guess where we are going? I bet you wont be wrong.
Disneyland! Yay! I cannot wait. Hadley is staying home with my parents-oh boy! We will be gone for 5 days! Ah I'm going to miss her so much and I really hope she is good for my parents. They probably will never want to see her again! hahaha just kidding. I'm sure they will have fun with her and they truly are the best for offering! It'll be nice to get away. I need it. We need it.

Halloween is coming up- and of course I'm going all out. I'm in the process of actually making Haddys costume. Making it guys. Like a sewing machine. haha. I've spent a day with my Grandma and it has been a lot of fun. I HIGHLY doubt she will end of wearing it- I just have a feeling she will want to rip it off the second I put it on her. But Halloween is so fun for me. Even though I really don't like this holiday- I hate being scared. I hate haunted houses (never been to one, never will) but I love the actual day and it'll be fun to go trick or treating with her. Yes, we are going. Yes she will only be 8 months old. I don't care. It'll be so fun.

Welp, she is awake. I can hear her talking upstairs in her crib. hahaha. So I'll just post my pics and get back to getting ready to go! So much to do, so little time. Bubbbye

Hadley and Hazel
 Cheering for uncle Parker at his high school football game!

This picture makes me laugh so hard. hahaha. Holly and I went to the park to take pictures of our girls. One minute they are sitting there, the next Hazel is grabbing Hadley. It was too funny.

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