Oct 26, 2015

A Little Get-Away

If you know me at all, you know that Disneyland is my favorite place on earth. So you should also should know that if I have a chance to go, I'm obviously going to jump on that opportunity. So it was fall break for Shawn and he had a vacation day to use for work, so we decided to go away for a couple days. And how about, I have the best parents in the whole world for not only being willing to watch Hadders, but OFFERING. Yeah, they basically pushed us out the door to watch Hads for 5 days. It was a quick little trip but so BEYOND worth it and needed. Shawn and I needed that time together. We left on a Friday-went to the park Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and came home Tuesday.

We had a blast. Seriously it was like a second honeymoon. It was fun to ditch the kid, and be kids for a couple days. Literally a couple kids running around the park. Going on rides non stop and eating everything we set our eyes on. Shawns never been to Disneyland for Halloween-it's so cool!! I mean, I like Christmas time way better, but it's cool to atleast see once.

The weather was perfect. Not hot at all. we just had the best time.

Thanks a million Mom & Dad.

I facetimed Hads every chance I got! People in the parks probably thought I was crazy, but I missed her so much. 

I wanted to buy her everything in the park, and one day I'm going to when she is older. But for now, I only got her things that she really would like (toys) ok and something that I loved seeing her in hahaha. Could you die?? She is too cute in this little Minnie Mouse hoodie!

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