Oct 15, 2015

7 Months

Haddy girl is 7 months old and I can't believe it. The months go by so fast now, and before I know it, I'm going to have a one year old. Time; please slow down.

-army crawl all over the place. I now have to keep my eyes on you at all times.
-have one little tooth on the bottom, and another one coming in right next to it.
-''talk'' to your toys.
-hold your hands out when you want us to pick you up
-chomp down on everything (poor little teething babe)
-hold your  bottle all by yourself
-shake your toys to make a sound
-love getting into things you're NOT supposed to get into
-still give the best kisses, especially to your Grandpa E.
-love all types of food
-sit in a shopping cart and love it
-love playing in the bath
-still sleep through the night
-love dogs
-love your friends. its so cute to watch you sit and ''talk'' to your friends
-randomly let out the loudest screams. and not the crying screams. you just want to talk really loud.
-sing in the car when you like the song thats playing (and when i say sing, i mean you just yell)
-have given your mama such a scare when you decided to roll off your changing table.
but you are totally fine. you ended up laughing.
-have the cutest laugh in the world. and you always laugh so hard when we lay you down in the tub.
-decided that your car seat is where you ALWAYS decide to go potty. most of the time, its a blow out. thanks baby girl.
-You are the happiest little babe, and we love you so much.

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