Feb 25, 2015


I can't believe I am writing this post right now. It is amazing to me that tomorrow our lives are going to change forever. Tomorrow, our little girl will be here.

It's also amazing to me that all of a sudden, this pregnancy has gone by so fast. 

Today has been a really good day. I finally, for the first time in weeks, slept great last night. So happy to be able to sleep in a little bit this morning. Then I went to lunch with my two best friends (and their babies) for my birthday, which was so great. Much needed. Then finished off the day with my amazing husband as our last day as just husband and wife. Not mom and dad. But we didnt do anything special. We didn't NEED to do anything special. Just be together. We ran a few errands and went to dinner together. And then once we got home, we cleaned our house a little bit, packed our bags for the hospital, I showered, and now we are watching Jimmy Fallon and I'm writing this blog post. 

I can't believe this is my last night pregnant. As crazy as it is, while I write this post my baby girl has the hiccups and its pretty funny. She always does. These past 9 months have been incredible. What a special thing it is to carry a child for 9 months. It's amazing the love I have for her already. From the first heart beat, to the first kick, to sudden stabs in my ribs.. I have honestly loved every second of it. I know us pregnant ladies complain a lot and I am so one of those. Especially at the end when you are so uncomfortable and tired and all you want is your body back, but I'm here to tell you right now that when it's about over and you look back on it.. it's a beautiful thing and worth it. I will also say tho, I am one of those pregnant ladies that have had it reeeeally easy. I wasn't sick. I didnt have a bump for along time. So I really don't have a lot to complain about. 
But I can't believe it's tomorrow. 


Baby girl, it has been amazing carrying you for 9 months. The first time we heard your heart beat, our hearts burst with so much love for you. When we found out that you were a girl, we fell more in love with you and I have fallen more in love with your dad as I have watched him get excited for his baby girl. I love our nights together when you move so much because I am falling asleep. Whenever I lay on my right side, you freak out. I'm sorry if you don't like it. One time, we were in a movie and it was so loud that you were freaking out. It was the first time me and you had a fight. You pushed up against my stomach so hard and I pushed back and you then pushed back. We did that for a few minutes. It was really cute and I just giggled the whole time. I love that you love diet coke. I love spoiling you. No matter where I go, I think of you. Whenever I go shopping, I have to look at the little girl stuff and I always catch your dad smiling from ear to ear when I hold up that dress or that shirt. He loves you so much. I remember the first time he felt you. You were stubborn though. It took a while for him to feel you. You would move a lot, and then the second he put his hand on me you stopped. But the first time he felt you, he freaked out-in a good way. He fell in love with you more. And now that I'm bigger, and you're bigger inside me, he has watched you move. Not just felt. But watched. And that's way funny to us. Baby girl, you have been so much fun to plan for. You are so loved by so many. As the first grand baby on both sides, you are going to be a spoiled little girl. There isn't a day or hour that goes by that you aren't talked about. 

I can't wait to hold you tomorrow. I can't wait to meet you. I can't wait to see you for the first time. I wonder what you will look like. I hope you look like your daddy. I love your dad baby girl, and he is going to be the best dad ever to you. You are a lucky girl. We are the luckiest girls. I can't wait to do everything with you and be your best friend. You're already mine. Thank you for making me your mom. You are already a dream come true. Tomorrow will be the best day of our lives. Tomorrow our lives change forever, because you will be in this world. And we wouldn't want it any other way. 



  1. Beautifully written. I hope all goes well and quick for you.

  2. So beautiful Emily! You are going to be such an amazing mother. So happy for you!
