Mar 10, 2015

Hadley Jeanne Larkin

Birth Story

What an incredible day. I can't believe she is finally here. She is currently in her swing, sound asleep as I finally had time to sit down and write her story. This day seems like a dream to me; I can't believe I am lucky enough to be this little girls mom. She is my world. Here is our story.

First off, lets just talk about how great it was to be induced. The night before was so perfect as Shawn and I went on a date and spent the night cuddled up on the couch, anxious for what was about to come. I mean, we were about to become freakin' parents! Of course our minds were going a million miles per hour but we were also very excited. The nerves didn't hit until the next morning. 

We got to the hospital at 6:30 am and took the elevator up to Labor & Delivery. I couldn't believe what was happening. I kept looking at Shawn and laughing. We then went into the front office as the lady put in my information and then showed me to my room. 

I changed into my hospital gown (with the help of Shawn because I could NOT figure it out) and then sat on the bed. This was all so surreal to me because prior to this, I did not think I was going to have her 2 weeks early. But lucky for us, my doctor was going out of town and decided to induce me. Thank GOODNESS. 

Then I met my AMAZING nurse, Sandy. I mean, the sweetest lady in the world. Funny too, she was my best friends nurse. HA. Then she hooked me up to everything. Ps. No one told me that the IV hurt like crazy. Seriously, she did it in my hand and I almost passed out because it hurt so bad. Once she was all done hooking me up to everything, it was just Shawn and I alone in the room. 

It was a sweet moment to be with Shawn alone that morning as we talked about what was going to happen that day. I mean, we were about to be parents. 

My doctor, Dr. Boheen, arrived at the hospital around 8:30 to break my water. By the way, if any of you need an AMAZING doctor, I HIGHLY recommend her. She is the sweetest lady and so smart. I wouldn't trust anyone else. Seriously, I absolutely love her. 


She broke my water (weird) and then it was waiting time. She checked me, and I was only dilated to a 2. Time went by, and the contractions become more and more intense. 
Then my mom showed up and hung out! 

I have so much freakin' respect for the women that go natural. Contractions hurt SO BAD. I thought I could tough it out a little longer, and my nurse put me on some medicine to ease the pain before the epidural. That did nothing. So they gave me my epidural which was NOTHING! People make it such a bigger deal than it needs to be. I mean its good, it prepared me for the worst I guess.. but that was nothing. The IV hurt a zillion times worse. 

Time went on, and the numbing sank in. I remember just laughing so hard because I could not move my legs. I pumped way too much medicine though because it got to the point where I couldn't even move my toes and it gave me anxiety. It drove me NUTS. 

Time went on and on and on. Nurses kept popping in to check my dilation, and I was at a 3 for a long long time. The nurses made me lay on my side for a half hour, and then switch sides. That went on for quite a while. 

I also remember just being starving. 
the ice was great though. Good thing that was a huge addiction during pregnancy. 

Around 4:00pm I finally hit a 5. That was such a relief. But still a ways to go. 

We kept waiting and soon enough I hit an 8. But the bad news was, my epidural was dying down. I guess I pressed the button too much. hahaha. So they called for some more medicine and pumped more into me.

 Within the hour, I was a 9 1/2. 

I remember just looking at Shawn with the look of "Oh crap".  My nurse looked at me with a huge smile and said "She is coming, I'm calling your doctor". 

I have the most incredible husband. As soon as my doctor arrived, Shawn was right by my side, holding my hand through it all. It was such a beautiful and special moment between Shawn and I. 

February 26, 2015 9:18pm, Hadley Jeanne Larkin came into this world and changed our life. The veil is so thin as I held her in my arms for the first time. It was if I have known her forever and loved her forever. Everything about her is perfect. 

They took her away from me to weigh her and clean her but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Shawn grabbed me and kissed me with the best kiss I have ever gotten from him as tears ran down his face. I'm not kidding when I say this was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. The love that filled that room was from the heavens. I honestly truly believe that the veil is so thin at this moment in time and the room was filled with angels welcoming her into this world. 

Once they gave her back to me, I couldn't believe that something so perfect and special was in my arms. I couldn't take my eyes off of her as I kept saying over and over "I love you so much". 

But the one thing that was hands down more special than me holding her, was watching Shawn become a daddy. As he took her into his arms, my heart melted. As he kissed her forehead, my heart was out of my chest. The moment he saw her, he fell in love. 

My family then came into the room and met Hadley for the first time. It was incredible how much support I had. So many family members there ready to welcome little Haddy. 

After everyone left, Shawn went to the nursery with her and the nurses and they transferred me to my other room. It felt like an eternity waiting there for Shawn and Hadley to come back into the room. He kept sending me pictures of her, and I was in heaven. He brought her back to me and she smelt so good and looked so beautiful. I am in love. 

The next two days in the hospital were heaven as Shawn and I hung out with friends and family and our sweet little angel. It's fair to say that we are obsessed with her. 

I had such an amazing experience. The hospital I delivered at was incredible. I even got a facial while I was there! Heaven!! Shawn and I also got a candle light dinner while Hadley spent some time in the nursery.

On our last day in the hospital, Hadley spent some time in the nursery (and when I say some time, I mean like 45 minutes because we cant stand being away from her) while I showered (HEAVEN!) and got ready to go home. Shawn loaded up the car and we were ready to go.

Welcome Home
Haddy Bug.
We love you SO much. 


  1. Such a beautiful story Emily! Thank you so much for sharing something so special. I can completely relate to every emotion you experienced. Even though it was 4 & 6 years ago, it is still so fresh & so special to me. So hard to find the right words. I am so very happy for you & Shawn. All these pictures are so beautiful. Again, thank you for sharing. Did you go to Davis? I had Mason there & we just love them! I had a pedicure & the candlelight dinner was wonderful, although we just wanted Mason back! Anyways, congratulations again sweetie. I hope you have a quick & easy recovery

  2. Such a beautiful story Emily! Thank you so much for sharing something so special. I can completely relate to every emotion you experienced. Even though it was 4 & 6 years ago, it is still so fresh & so special to me. So hard to find the right words. I am so very happy for you & Shawn. All these pictures are so beautiful. Again, thank you for sharing. Did you go to Davis? I had Mason there & we just love them! I had a pedicure & the candlelight dinner was wonderful, although we just wanted Mason back! Anyways, congratulations again sweetie. I hope you have a quick & easy recovery
