Mar 28, 2015

One Month

Our sweet Hadley is a month old already. I can't believe it! Time goes by so fast.

This past month has been interesting to say the least. But oh so fun. Having a sweet baby in the house is such a beautiful thing- it definitely brings in such a sweet spirit.

I've wanted to blog something about her almost every day, but trying to find the time is impossible. Now she is asleep in daddy's arms, so I decided to finally do this.

We were blessed with such a good baby. Seriously! She is always so happy and so content. But lets back track to the beginning, when we brought her home.

The first night was a nightmare. I did not sleep for one minute. We bought Hadley a bassinet to go next to our bed, and that was a huge mistake! Hadley hates lying on her back. All night long she was gagging and throwing up. And as a new mom, that was the scariest thing of my life. So instead of sleeping, I just stared at her all night. With the lights on. HAHA. Sorry Shawn. But he didn't sleep either. And no one told us babies make noises all night either. So every little thing she did, we googled. of course. haha!

My mom was and is the biggest help and blessing. She didnt leave my side for almost 2 weeks. She would come over and clean my house, watch Hadley so I could sleep, make me food. One night she even stayed at my house til 3 am so I could go snuggle Shawn and sleep for a little bit until Hadley needed to eat and then I let her go home.

I don't know what I would do without my mom.

We then decided the bassinet was a no-go. My best friend has a bed that is slightly elevated and vibrates so we bought that and it has changed everything. Hadley has a minor case of Reflux and so she needs to be elevated while she sleeps- that would explain the gagging and spitting up.

The first couple weeks were such a learning experience of course. I slowly learned Hadleys cries, her grunts, what makes her happy, what makes her mad. It has been so much fun getting to know her more. But at the same time, I feel like I've known her my whole life.

Shawn went back to work a few days after we had her, and it was so hard on him. Poor guy missed her so much. But as soon as he came home, she was in his arms. Hadley LOVES her dad. The second she hears his voice, her eyes go right to him.

I can't believe how much she has grown. In a matter of 4 weeks, she has gained almost 3 and a half pounds. And it's totally all in her cheeks.

We love her more than words can describe. We always find ourselves staring at her and saying "I can't believe you are here". I love being a mom. Shawn loves being a dad. Our lives have changed forever. People always would say "Get ready, they are easier in than out" or "Are you sure you're ready? things will never be the same" and here is what I have to say:

I can't imagine my life without her. I can't believe we have gone this long without her. She has brought Shawn and I closer and more in love. She HAS changed our lives forever. but it's not a bad thing. Sure, it's not just me and him anymore and some days all I want is a date night with my husband, or a good nights sleep, or to lay in bed all day and do nothing. But then she smiles at me and everything changes, I look at her cute little face while she is sleeping and I smile. and I realize- things aren't that much different. We still watch Netflix and order take out like we used to- we now just do it with her. We still go out-and luckily have the best parents in the world that love watching her. We still do the things we want to do, we just do them with her. She's my little best friend, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

-you have been to three doctor appointments already. the first one was to check your jaundice and you were perfectly fine and they also told us you weighed 5lbs 9oz. The second appointment was your 2 week appointment and you weighed 6lbs 15oz. and this last drs appointment was to get you on medicine for your reflux and you weigh 8lbs 4oz! Packing on the pounds. Dr says we make a great team. haha.
-you love bath time
-you love your daddy's voice
-you love being in your swing, but usually if you're already asleep because you love being held. You hate being put down
-you hate getting dressed and getting your diaper changed but once it's all done, you are completely fine
-you hate being burped
-you love your hands especially by your face
-you grunt all the time which makes me think that once you find your voice, we won't get your to be quiet haha
-you love cuddling with mom in the morning. Every morning around 6 or 7 am, we cuddle for a couple hours and it's the best
-you love to eat. clearly miss 8 pounder in a month.
-you hate your car seat, but once you are in the car you are fine (most of the time)
-you always have the hiccups
-and you always sneeze. me and daddy love it.
-dad laughs at you every time you burp. mainly because we can't believe such a loud noise can come out of someone so tiny
-you have the prettiest skin and get compliments on it all the time
-every time we have gone to the doctor, people just ooo and awww over you. I think you're pretty cute too baby girl.
-you are starting to get a little attitude. If someone is holding you, you'll let them know if you need to change positions by letting out the biggest grunt.
-you take a bottle like a champ which is so nice if I can't be with you.
-still only wear new borns clothes and diapers. You may weigh 8 pounds but you're still a tiny thing and 0-3m clothes drown you.

 Can you believe these two are 5 weeks apart? haha. Hazel and Hadley- little baby besties.

 This is your Grandpa Vaughns favorite picture of you. A little cougarette in the making :)

This picture means everything to me. This lady right here has been a best friend of mine my whole life. My beautiful Aunt Anissa and I have been close since I was born. Only being 10 years a part, she was and is more of my sister than my aunt. She had twin babies in October of last year and when we found out I was pregnant, Anissa and I couldn't believe that we were going to have babies so close together- now going to be best friends. Watch out Anissa, Lillee and Hadley are going to give us quite some headaches, but I can't wait.

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