Feb 11, 2015

Bumpdate-36 Weeks

36 weeks. Can you believe it?
I can. It's been a long 36 weeks. HA!

Gender: Girl

How far along are you?: 36 Weeks. She is still packing on the pounds- at a rate of about an ounce a day. She is more than 18 1/2 inches long (about the size of a head of lettuce). She is shedding most of the downy hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa. 

Size of the baby: 18 1/2 inches long and weighs about 6 pounds (according to my app on my phone ha!) Size of a head of lettuce.  

Movement?: Yep! All the time! At it's not just feeling the movement anymore, I can actually see her! It's hilarious to watch my stomach move like crazy! 

Cravings?: Ice Ice Ice! Pebble Ice all the time. Its ridiculous how much I munch on every day. In fact, there are two big bags of it in the freezer right now and if I'm out and about, I'll run to Fiiz (a soda place) and just get a 32 ounce cup of ice. HA! I'm crazy. 

Best moment this week: Shopping for more baby stuff. And washing all of her cute little clothes. And baby showers!! 

Daddy update: He absolutely loves his little girl. He loves doing anything that involves her. He is always sitting in the nursery in the rocking chair. The other night, we washed all her clothes and he helped me fold them and we just giggled the whole time at how tiny all her things are. Especially diapers. That tiny bum is going to be so freakin' cute. He loves talking about her. He already admits its going to be so hard to go to work. My parents just recently surprised us with a trip to Hawaii in July and our little girl will be 5 months old by then, and Shawn loves talking about things he is going to do with her in Hawaii. We constantly look up cute pictures of babies on the beach and little bikinis. Oh my gosh, I am going to melt when I see him be a daddy. 

Recent Doctors Appointment: I just had a doctors appointment yesterday and I was so excited because she was going to see if I was dilating. When the nurse came in to take my blood pressure, she asked if I have been having contractions and I said no. (stupid me. should of lied) and she said, Okay then she will just check you next time. Nooooo! Oh well. I was just looking forward to it! I have had a lot of pressure lately though and I can tell this baby is coming soon! Atleast I hope so. 

What I'm looking forward to: I am really looking forward to next week when I go to the doctor again and she checks me! Even though I wont even blink if I'm not atleast a 4. HA! After watching my best friend go through 2 weeks of being a 3 and in and out of the hospital... Yeah. I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm also looking forward to finishing up baby stuff this week and then taking it easy the next few. My maternity leave starts next week at the salon and as much as I am going to miss doing hair and my amazing clients, my body is done. So tired! 

We are also going to Park City for the weekend for my birthday. Last get-away with my husband before its not just ''me and my husband'' anymore. 

Misc: Wedding ring is locked away and shoes aren't a thing anymore. So yes, I'm swelling. Not as bad as I've seen, but enough for it to drive me nuts. I feel like I get bigger every single second of the day. It looks like I have a freakin basket ball in my shirt. 

Bending over doesn't happen anymore. I tried painting my toenails the other day and it was soooo hard. Shawn offered to do it and I just laughed and told him no because I promise he would of done a worse job at it than me. I'm starting to 'nest'. I love a clean house and can't stand clutter. I can't handle going to bed with a messy room or dishes in the sink. 

We have a baby swing sitting in the family room and its so cute to look at. I do eyelash extensions out of my house and its so cute when clients come over and say "Ahhh there is a baby coming!!" I love my clients. 

I can definitely say that I have reached the ''done'' stage. Like I am SO done being pregnant. I want my body back. I want to wear cute clothes again. I want to work out and lose all the baby weight. (I'm not trying to sound selfish) but I'm ready for this baby to be in my arms and not in my tummy. I'm done being uncomfortable! But as ''sucky'' as it might be right now, I know there will be little things that I'll miss. like feeling her all the time. It's just me and her. It's really special and I love it. And I shouldn't complain a whole lot- I have had an EASY pregnancy! I am very lucky. 

Ahhhhh. Anytime now baby girl. We are waiting for you. I can't wait to kiss you and love on you all day. 

I can't wait to be a mom. 

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