Feb 14, 2012

Stupid Holiday.

While girls are getting spoiled by their boyfriends,
my boyfriend just so happens to be 6037 miles away.

I had a really hard day surprisingly.
I woke up this morning thinking
"Its not a big deal, you're day is gunna be fine"
But its much harder to have someone you love so much, so far away on this day.
(but yes, im lucky to even have someone to love)

But as I was driving to school it hit me so hard
that I miss him so much. I couldn't hold back the tears.
but I sucked it up and went to the Salon.

The day went on and luckily my best friend was there.
She has a missionary too, so we just made each other laugh all day.
Then noon hit.

Flowers started getting delivered to the school.
"Oh great." And I just tried to ignore it.
But I couldn't get my mind off of Shawn.
I just wanted him here so bad.
I started getting really sad.

This is where the cool part happens.
While me and Sara are in the car, I couldn't stop thinking;
"I just wish Shawn was here. I just want to hear him tell me he loves me. Thats it"
and within seconds, I hear the radio start playing our song.

The Lord works in amazing ways.
The Lord heard my cry and felt my pain
and I got something better than flowers, chocolates, or a date.
I felt my Shawny's love. I felt him there with me. I heard his voice tell me he loves me.

And even though I missed him soooooo much today,
this Valentines Day was one I'll always remember.

Thank you Shawn, for everything you do for me and for making sure I felt your love today.

Happy Valentines Day my sweetheart.
I love you so much.

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