Nov 30, 2011

Waiter Haters.

I wanted to make a special post for
all the waiter haters out there.
I consider myself very lucky
to not come across many of those
But I'm ready to take on
whatever they want to throw at me.

"Two years is such a long time"
"So much can happen in two years"
"He will be so different when he comes home"
"You honestly think after not seeing you
for two years, he will still love you?"

You honestly think
those things haven't crossed my mind?
I'm a girl.
Every fear, doubt, worry, and question
has crossed my mind.
But wanna know something else
that crosses my mind more than those
awful things you waiter haters wanna throw at me?

I have an amazing man.
Shawn changed my life in ways that
I didnt think were possible.
He has made me the happiest girl.
I have never laughed so hard,
smiled so big
or felt so loved in my life.
I fell in love with the most thoughtful,
caring, and loving man.
He takes care of me and looks out for me so much.
I would be stupid
to let him go.
We have been thru so much together.
and I know that everyone says that
but if you only knew what we
have been thru together
you would be waiting too.
We've had so many spiritual moments before he left
and everyday he won my heart over more and more.

Another thing that crosses my mind?
Not only does he love me
he loves this gospel.
He is willing to give up
two years of his life
to help the people of Chile and bless their lives.
He is serving our Father in Heaven.
It takes a strong man to do what he is doing.
He is growing and learning so much.
Becoming the man of my dreams.
He is an amazing priesthood holder.
All he wants to do in life is help people.
He is the best missionary.
He is so obedient and strives every day to be better and better.
Which in return,
makes me want to be better everyday.
He's my best friend.
He knows everything about me
and still loves me.

Two years is nothing compared to eternity.

"90 percent of all girls waiting for a missionary eventually give up the life of limbo either by tapering off the correspondence or mailing a "Dear John." Seven percent wait it out, resume dating him when he returns -- only to eventually break up. Only about 3 percent of the girls who wait for their missionary end up marrying him"

I will be that 3%.

"Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts."

So for all you waiter haters out there,
I want to say
Thank you :)
You motivate me every day
to prove you wrong.
So keep it up.
You're jealous.

"A womans heart should be so hidden in Christ, that a man should have to seek Him first, to find her"
-And thats what my boy is doing. and I am so proud of him.


  1. I will be that 3% too! Don't give up! Just tell em' to stick it in their juice box! ;)

  2. And I will be another part of that 3% tell them to stick it in their juice box AND suck it! :) haha. I love it too. I can't wait to one day be show him off as my husband to every single person who says I can't do this. ;)
