May 26, 2013

This and That-


I gotta say, May 24 is one of the best days of the whole year. Why? It's the day Shawn was born. I love his birthday so much! I don't know why I get so into it, but this year I feel like I failed as a fiance. His first birthday back, and I'm poor as ever so I couldn't do anything over the top. But I still wanted to make him feel special. I can't help but to text him exactly as the clock strikes midnight and wish him a Happy Birthday. I've done it ever year since we've been together, and I always just want to be the first person to tell him. and then I'll tell him a million + 1 times during the day, and then I'm always the last person at 11:59 to tell him Happy Birthday. Stupid and silly, I know! I'm really grateful for this day also because Shawn wasn't even supposed to live.

   When he was born, he was so sick that his mom even had to write his obituary. Could you imagine writing that as a mom? I can't even think about it. But I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father helped him live so that one day I could be sealed to him forever. 

So this birthday all he kept asking for was a snickers. A freakin' candy bar? Are you kidding babe? So of course, that's not all I got him. He loves surprises. I remember one year, I surprised him by taking him up to PC to do the Alpine Slide and stuff and he absolutely loved that. He loved driving, but not knowing where we were going. So this year, he came over after work, and I gave him the biggest hug and smooch and I said "Okay want your present?" And I handed him a Snickers. He laughed. I told him to turn it around. and on the back, I taped a piece of paper on it. Written on that paper it said "Get in my car and do not ask any questions. I love you". BABE WHAT??? I said don't ask questions.

So we got in my car and started driving. Little did I know this 20 minute drive kept getting longer and longer. Obviously I'm not good at finding out driving time before hand. I just figured ahhh Kaysville to Midvale, No big deal. Well, my GPS took me on 215 and of course, OF COURSE, with my luck, we were stuck in traffic. And on the radio the guy said, a huge roll over car accident southbound on 215. Of all car accidents, of course its on the same road we are on. so that 20 minute drive turned into about 45-50 minutes. Grrrrrr.

But it was still fun.

Then we got to the place and he said "Where are we?" and I said "We're going to get you an under armor hoodie!!" (He's been wanting one since he got home) That smile on his face was priceless as he jumped out of my car. He was so excited. Well, they didnt have any hoodies. :/ more luck. But that smile, was so worth the drive. We then went to Dicks because my parents got him a gift card there so we got him all new clothes. Underarmor shorts and tshirts. He is so cute in that stuff. Before the mish he was all into FOX and VOLCOM and stupid cute stuff like that and now I'm lovin my man in sports stuff!! Then we went to sports authority, nothing. So last resort, Scheels. Amazing by the way. And we found one!! SO cute on him.

Then I took him to eat at Hires-so yummy-and then went home! I love his birthday. It was a fun day together.


Today Shawn and I went to his buddy from the mission, Elder Haacke's, homecoming! K, can I just say that I loved that I waited for him?? Let me back track a little:

Thursday night we went to his mission trainers wedding reception. That was a BLAST! Elder Roman Huerta. What a stud! And after he gave Shawn a hug, he grabbed me and gave me a hug and said, "You freakin' waited for my boy! I love you!" haha. I just loved that I was well known in the mission. But I'm glad he put the Lord first of course ;) Then he ran into another buddy from the mission there and he told me "you were like a freakin' celebrity in the mission. Shawn talked you up so much. He's a lucky guy." Isn't that cute or what? I couldn't help but smile at him the whole rest of the night. (I always do anyway).

ANYWAY! Back to the homecoming, that was so fun. That kid is such a stud. I love hearing Shawn and Haacke talk to eachother. They really are like brothers. Its cute to hear them talk about the mission and all their stories. Shawn really did love his mission so much. I can tell he misses the people a bunch. I love that when they talk about it, I know exactly what they are talking about from emails, and letters! It's fun to kind of 'been in the mission' with him.

After the homecoming, we went to my ward for temple prep!! Just me, Shawn, and the bishop. But let me just tell you, I adore my bishop. What an awesome guy! And he challenged us two things.

1. To read this temple book he gave us together before we get married.
2. To pray together. Take turns. Whenever he prays, he has to pray about all the good things about me. and whenever I pray, I pray about all the good things about Shawn. What we love about eachother and grateful for.

When my bishop said that, it brought tears to my eyes. Not only because I now get to hear how much Shawn loves me when he speaks to our Heavenly Father, but I started to tear up because I know that I have the best man in the world. I know that he loves me more than words can describe. The spirit was so strong in that room as a confirmation that we were always meant for eachother and that we are going to be together forever. It started to sink in a little that I finally get to marry the man of my dreams. I've waited so long for this and I truly know that my Heavenly Father blessed me immensely with Shawn.

-27 days-

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I love this!

    Shawn and Cole would get along well, because Cole pretty much lives in Underarmor clothes.

    I love reading your blog!
    Happy that you're so happy!
    Marriage is THE BEST, so you're about to be even happier :)

