Sep 11, 2012

Finding your happiness.

I have so much gratitude in my heart tonight for the gospel.

I came across a Facebook status tonight

"Harry Potter" is a book. I dont base my life off of it. The Book of Mormon is a book, so I'm curious, why do you base your life off of it?

And there were comments immediately bashing the church.

One person even said

"The difference is that an illiterate man wrote the BOM"


It took everything inside of me not to comment on it.
Even tho I have not read the Book of Mormon cover to cover, I know it to be true. Immediately when I read that status, something warm in my heart told me that this gospel is true. I began to look more into the people writing the comments. I came across the ones that were sticking up for the church, looked happy. They had great lives. and the ones that were writing hurtful things, weren't living life the way the Lord would want them to. Now, I'm not saying that these people are bad people. Not one bit. Some of these people are dear friends of mine. Amazing people! But I guess where I'm going with this, is that the gospel really does bring true happiness. The young man that put this Facebook status used to be a solid member of the church. He was even going to go on a mission until he changed his mind. He's still a great guy. But is HE missing out on so much the Lord can bless him with? Absolutely.

For all those that have fallen:

Heavenly Father loves you. He will NEVER forsake you. Even if you feel like you are in a dark place, the Lord is just waiting for you to come to Him. I see the way you live your life. Complaining that "You wish you could find a good guy, or a good girl" or complaining about how hard life is. When really, its SO easy if you just live the way you are supposed to. Want a great guy? be a great girl. What a great girl? BE A GREAT GUY. Lucky for me, I had to learn that. The hard way. I wanted an amazing guy, and in order to have that, I had to love myself first. Respect myself first. And now look where I'm at. If you feel alone, I promise you're not. I've had those nights. Having a missionary, You feel alone all the time. Even being surrounded by a million people. But the Lord is always there to listen. He is always there to lift burdens and make things easier. Remember: The Lord never gives you a trial you can't handle. He knows you are strong. Prove to him that you are, but don't doubt him. Honestly, I've never been happier. and its because I am living the Gospel every day. I'm not perfect. In fact, I'm FAR from perfect. But because I know the Lord knows I'm NOT perfect, its such a comfort to always forgive myself and start a new day. There are so many things I need to work on. So do not think for one second that I'm writing this to be all high and mighty. I'm NOT. But do you want the answer to happiness? Your Heavenly Father.

I know this gospel to be true. I have had to go thru my own testimony builders to find this out. I have seen those who have fallen away vs those who hold strong and the difference their lives are. I have so much to work on in this gospel. Do I say my daily prayers? No. Sometimes I forget. Do I read the BOM daily? No I forget all the time. Do I get so caught up in the world that I forget what really matters? OF COURSE! I'm human. But do I strive to do better? All the time. And you can too.

Now about missionary work:
I know I blog a lot about how "awful" waiting for a missionary is. But really, it is such a blessing. Shawn has grown so much. I could not be more proud of him. Its amazing to see him change from boy to man. He has strengthened my testimony because there have been times, He had to pick me up off my feet when things got hard. When happiness was hard to find. HE had to be my angel, my miracle. and it was because of these very things that he had to talk to me about that changed my whole perspective on life. I am so proud of Shawn. Every day he is performing miracles and saving lives. He's a hero. To many. All because he is preaching the gospel and bringing those to true happiness. Is waiting for a missionary hard? Every day. Do I want him to come home? Every single day. but would I give up this experience for the world? Never. This is OUR two years. He has grown, and I have grown. Really, I am so happy for him. I know that this mission is so important and I really love him so much for leaving me. Weird to say right? I'm glad he left me for 2 years to do this for our Savior. and I know I'll continue to complain about him being gone, because there are some days I miss him so much. But I want all of you to know, that I love missionary work. and I am so so so proud of him.


  1. This was beautifully said. The gospel is the only way to true happiness and we should always try to live it better. I really suggest that you read the Book of Mormon cover to cover though. If you really take the time to read it all and pray about it, your testimony will be SO much stronger! Best of luck to you and your wait. :)

    1. I am reading the Book of Mormon right now cover to cover :) I promised myself and my missionary that I would do that while he was gone. :) its the best!

  2. I saw that status on fb and it made me sad too!
    Thanks for this post Emily! :)

  3. I got chills reading this, so thank you. You are an amazing girl! Every time I read your posts about your missionary, I think of mine. We are truly lucky to have such wonderful men in our lives. And look at you! Only 9 months left. You can do this. :)

    1. Thank you so much!1 I'm so glad that I can help. We really are So lucky!! I know, ONLY 9. I can't wait :)
