Mar 8, 2012

Mission Baby.

I'm sure you may be asking why the title is what it is?

Well today is March 8, 2012,
which means...

Me and Shawn just had our "mission baby".

9 Months Down!!

I can't believe I have made it this far.
I remember when Shawn just left,
and I was sitting in my family room talking with my family
doing the countdown.

"By the time school starts, it'll be 2 months. Then Christmas, it'll be 6 months,
then my birthday it'll be 8 months and then almost 9 months, and then the year mark!"

And look where we are!
9 months down
and 9 months that i'll never have to do again!
Good feeling.
Very good feeling.

i can't believe 92 days away from the

Happy Mission Baby!! I love you :) :)

So yesterday I got a surprise letter!
That doesn't happen often.
Letters take forever to get to the states from Chile
and so I was shocked when I got a letter yesterday.
I even screamed.

Well there was a part in the letter I want to share with you :)
You may agree that I have the cutest boyfriend ever.

"We are trying to get a family we found to get married, and I loved teaching about it cause I thought about you the whole time. I also told them something like this 'You two have been living together for 12+ years, and have three kids, It's definitely time to get married. I have a girl named Emily back in the United states waiting for me, we have been together for over 2 years and you two have no idea how jealous I am of you two because you can get married right now, and I have to wait until next year to marry her." Then we talked about the blessings of temple marriage and they even cried and felt the spirit so strongly. It was amazing. Everyone asks about you here Emmie, you are famous. So yes, we have people in the states that look up to us, but we also have people in Chile. amazing huh? Thank you for taking this journey with me Emmie"

Isn't he the cutest?!
Then he went on to talk about his mission and lessons he taught
and about how he loves me.
He's great.

15 months left?
Piece of caaaake!!

I love you Elder Shawn Larkin!!