Dec 20, 2014

Bumpdate-28 weeks!


Gender: Girl

How far along are you?: 28 weeks
Her eyes are partially opened and those tiny eyelids are able to blink. She is able to recognize different levels of light. Even though she still is growing, she is getting chubbier as fat is developing under the wrinkled skin. The lungs are better prepared to breathe.

Size of the baby: 2 pounds and 14.8 inches from head to heels. About the size of an eggplant. 

Movement?: Ohhhhh my heavens, YES! All the time. Kicking, moving, hiccups. You name it. I feel her all the time :) and so does daddy! My mom and brother have also felt her!! 

Cravings?: I am currently craving crunch berries cereal, diet coke, and McDonalds breakfast! haha. So random. 

Best moment this week: Seeing her on an ultrasound at the doctor. Gosh, I love her. 

Daddy update: He is so cute and so supportive. Everytime we talk about her, he gets the biggest smile on his face. My favorite thing in the world, is when I catch him hanging out in the nursery. It's his favorite room in the house. I'll be doing eyelash extensions downstairs, and he just sits in the rocking chair for hours. He loves his little girl. 

Recent Doctors Appointment: My last doctors appointment was just this week on Tuesday! (the 16th) and it was the Gestational Diabetes test with that yummy drink! And when I say yummy, all you moms out there know what I'm talking about ;) But to be honest, it was SOOOO not as bad as everyone made it sound. It was just super sugary! We also got to see her on an ultrasound and she was moving so much! She has the cutest little lips I've ever seen. She is perfect and right on schedule! 

What I'm looking forward to: Focusing on HER again. With the busyness of the holidays, I haven't really focused on her. I've dedicated my time (and money) to other people and Christmas so I'm excited to get the nursery together and get things ready for her after Christmas is over! 

Misc: I always thought pregnant people looked ridiculous when they walked. You know, the waddle! and I thought they were faking- but oh my gosh it is totally normal! I catch myself ''waddling'' sometimes and I just laugh. Bending over is really funny too and Shawn just laughs at me. Good thing I don't really have shoes that need to be tied, or he would be helping me. I also just bought maternity leggings and they are they best things that have ever happened to me. I can't believe how comfortable they are! And comfort is my best friend right now! I can't wait to get skinny again! But I know this is how it is! And I love the miracle of life and that I get to carry this perfect little angel. We love her so much. SO much. 
I'm also grateful for a husband that is so perfect and supportive. Who works so hard to take care of me and her. Who works two jobs and goes to school full time. He is amazing. Perfect. Unbelievable and I can't wait to see him as a daddy. I also love that he will go with me to McDonalds at midnight just to get breakfast because it's the one thing I need. So we go to Kaysville McDonalds and they aren't selling breakfast yet so we drive to Layton, get home at 12:30 and go in our bed and eat our fat food. I love my husband.

We can't wait to meet you baby girl. :)

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