Jan 19, 2014

Sweet Dreams World

I really wish I had more to blog about but sadly, I don't. Our lives are at a standstill right now. Nothing crazy going on, no big news, and honestly nothing really to write about and that's probably why I haven't been writing much. Shawn just started school again and my schedule with work is crazy. Our schedules this past week have been insane to the point where the time we spent together was laying in bed talking about our day because we were so tired. And by talking I mean saying ''it was good'' and dozing off. I HATE IT. But luckily I had yesterday off so we spent the whole day together. Well most of the day. Shawn and I went to the car show which we do every year. It's fun to pretend we'll be super rich one day and have all these dream cars in mind.

And then after the car show I did something super crazy and super spontaneous which is so not like me.

For two years now I have wanted permanent make up so bad. Unfortunately, I was born with super blonde eyebrows and blonde hair and as a woman, we always want what we don't have. Reason why I have dark hair and fill my brows in every day so they are darker! So a couple days ago, I sent my friend a message asking her who did her eyebrows and within an hour she texted me telling me her lady needed someone as a model for a class in SANDY (aka where the car show was) so of course I jumped right on that! Since we were already out there why not get permanent make up? I mean that's normal right?! HA! Well, it was more than worth it. Very painful, but worth it. And now its just a matter of taking care of them for a week. (blood, vasaline, medicine, washing them) So they look pretty gross right now and swollen and like someone took a permanent marker and drew them on. BUT in a week they will look fabulous! I will be sure to post a picture when they look um normal!

Other than that, I really wish I had more to tell you! Shawn and I are more in love than ever and it gets better every day. Even though we hate our schedules, at night we come home, cuddle up on the couch and watch Gossip Girl. The days are hard. Not seeing my husband until 9 o'clock at night is rough but its the best part of my whole day. There is nothing I look forward to more than being with my babe.

Now its a Sunday night and I'm sitting here watching Gossip Girl and my husband is sitting next to me reading his book. The house is spotless, the laundry is done, and I'm thrilled that it's almost time for bed. Isn't it funny as kids we hated bed time but as adults it's the best part of the day? I love sleeping! I have friends that stay up with their husbands til like 2 am but I'm sorry husband if you are reading this as much as I would love to do that with you and laugh all night and make cookies, we also have jobs and bed time is my favorite, cuddling up next to you.

But don't worry, there are times where we stay up late and do things that makes us feel like we are 21 and married not 40! HA!!

Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl we are so 40 years old over here! and Im ok with that! haha I love sleeping. Schedules are hard and never ideal, I hate it, hang in there!
