Jan 11, 2013

So in love.

Could life be any better? I honestly have never been so happy! Having Shawn home is the best thing in the world. Being with him again, I'm reminded exactly why I said I was going to wait. It was more than worth it and I'd do it over and over again! People keep asking me if it's been awkward or if he's "weird". And truth is, its completely normal. It's like we didn't even skip a beat! He's the same but BETTER.

I've never felt so loved and cherished. Every minute he says, "I love you" or "I can't wait to marry you" or "You're beautiful" or "Thanks for everything". He's the most amazing man in the entire world. I don't know how I got so lucky to have him! He really is wonderful and loves me so much!

The mission changed him. He's so humble, so loving, walks in my house and gives everyone a huge hug. He's SUCH a gentleman and so polite. I love hearing about his mission and how much he loved it.

Today, we skyped with one of his companions and that was SO fun to hear him speak Spanish back and forth! He's adorable.

Did I mention I love having him home? Seriously, I can't even believe I lived without him for 2 years.
It's funny, we'll be sitting there cuddling and randomly just look at each other and say "I can't believe we did it". I mean, who can say they had a full on long distance relationship for 2 years, but only got an email a week and if they were lucky a letter. We only got to hear each other's voices on Christmas and Mothers Day. and he came home and everything was perfect. It was like he never even left!

Gosh, I'm so happy!

I can't wait to see what the future brings us. But I know that with him, it will be perfect. He's my best friend, my love, my everything and I'm so blessed to have him!

I'm so thankful for a Heavenly Father that helped me so much during the past 2 years. Who stood by my side and helped our love grow. I learned to depend on him a lot to help me get through some pretty tough times and I'm so grateful for the relationship I have with him :)

So now its time to change my blog. No more of this waiting stuff. "Our Journey" or quotes about waiting. I'M DONE WAITING. Done :) He's home. I still can't believe it.

And I'm loving every second of it :)

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