Jan 28, 2013

La la land.

Have I been MIA from my blog or what?!
Sorry everyone, I've just been in la la land for the past three weeks enjoying every single second with my RM. Seriously, I can't snap back into reality quite yet. We've had so much fun together! It's really like he never left. I could not be any happier, but then again, every day keeps getting better and better!

So I'm sorry I've been slacking so much lately on my blogging, I've just been kind of away from the world.

I still can't even decide what to change my blog to! Then again, I haven't had any time to even sit down and think about it. Because when I actually get time to think, its never about reality stuff. Only like "I hope I get to marry my best friend someday" kind of stuff :)
I hope I get lucky ;)

So once I return from La la land (which is probably never), I'll REALLY update this blog. Hopefully sometime this week!

Along with that, I need to start going to the gym every morning, go to school 10 hours a day (kill me, I'm going to miss Shawn waaay too much), eat healthy, make priorities, and work.

Reality sucks.
Can I just cuddle all day long with my boyfriend?

So here's some pretty fun stuff that's happened over the past couple weeks.

Homecoming Talk

Kissing.. alot

Three Year Anniversary
He brought me flowers to school.

Cuddling up next to each other everywhere we go

Spending every second with my best friend.

Alright world.  I'm going back to La la land. See ya :)


  1. This is so adorable! thank you for inspiring me to start my own blog! i just got it up today :) keep posting im loving your blog! i'm currently waiting for a missionary ;)

