Dec 30, 2012

Perfect Christmas

It's almost the new year and I'm just writing this post, I'm the worst blogger ever!
But I just had to tell all of you about the best Christmas ever! It all started with Christmas Eve. To me, Christmas Eve is a lot better than Christmas Day when it comes to traditions. I don't know why I like it so much. I just love getting with both sides of the family and feeling the joy of Christmas. As a kid, I remember driving home after being at my Grandpa and Grandmas and looking up in the sky and looking for Santa's sleigh. And I love that there is still a child in the house that believes in Santa. Christmas just wouldn't be the same without a Santa Claus. Christmas Eve was fun, we went to my Grandma's house and spent some time with her and then went to my Uncle Todd's house and just enjoyed time with the family. 

Then we went home and opened our Christmas Pajamas :) I love this tradition.

I still feel like I'm 8 years old, and can't sleep on Christmas Eve. I was up til 3:30am talking to friends. I guess we all just couldn't sleep! We were all so excited. and then 5:30am hits, and we are all awake and ready to open presents. 
I hate when we are done opening presents because it feels like Christmas is over.

But the best part of Christmas? I got to skype my boyfriend. I am so grateful for his amazing family that invited me over! They are so sweet and welcoming and treat me as if I'm their own. I'm so lucky to have them! Skyping Shawn was the best Christmas present ever. The minute I saw him, tears flooded my eyes. I was so happy to see him and hear his voice. He is so happy and was so cute. And when I heard him say, "I love you Em". EVERYTHING was perfect and my whole world was back to normal. I can't wait to have that boy home. We got to skype Shawn for an hour and a half and it was pure bliss. We laughed the whole time and it was the happiest I've been in almost 2 years. But when he started saying his goodbyes, I couldn't talk. because if I talked, I would of cried, and right when he got off, me and his mom lost it. Tears were streaming! haha and then we just laughed because we are so pathetic ;) I love his mom.

His cute mom in the blue, and grandma in the red. me in the middle SO happy 
and Shawns poor dad stuck in the back ;) hahaha

Here are some other pictures from this Christmas time :)

Our Christmas Dresses

Me and Ivan at school :)

Our Christmas sweater party at school :)
Love these girls so much!
(Jess & Chrissy)

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