Nov 22, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I am so very blessed. I have so much to be grateful for that I can't even make a list! But for the most part, I am so grateful for my family. They do so much for me and they really do mean so much to me. I am so grateful for the siblings I have, even though we give each other a hard time most of the time, they are the best. I'm grateful for the parents that I have and how much they do for me.

I am so grateful for my friends. I take some of them for granted sometimes, but they really do mean the world to me. I'd be lost without them.

I am so grateful for Shawn. For his willingness to serve our Lord and for all his hard work out there. He is touching so many lives out there and I look up to him in so many ways. I am grateful for his love and our relationship. How strong it is to withstand anything and get stronger every single day. He really is the best man out there and I dont deserve him. He's amazing and I'm so lucky to have him.

I am grateful for an amazing job. For the people that I work with and for being my second family. I really do have the best managers out there and it's great to have a job that I look forward to going into every day. Especially for black friday ;)

I am so grateful for this gospel. For a loving Heavenly Father that does love me unconditionally. For the plan of salvation and eternal families that I get to see my Grandma and Grandpa again someday. and that I get to be with my loved ones forever. I am grateful for the Atonement. and I'm grateful for my Heavenly Father and Savior that always listens to me and is here for me.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and have a wonderful day!

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