Jun 11, 2012

365 Days.

I can't believe it.

June 8, 2012 marked Shawns


When I look back on this past year, it really has gone by so fast. So much has happened in one year. I've grown so much. But the best part of growing, is growing with Shawn. We've only become closer and I thank God everyday for the amazing relationship that I have. I'm so proud of Shawn. The  mission has been everything but easy for him, and I'm so proud of him for sticking it out and working hard. He amazes me every single day. This wait is not easy. It calls for lonely nights, heartache, patience.. but I know that it will be worth it. So, I'll keep waiting. Whatever it takes, I will not give up. I know there is a light at the end of this tunnel and hitting the year mark finally made this light brighter. I can see it. The end is in sight. Its so fun to say "this time next year.. he'll be here". Its a countdown now. I cant wait to have him home but I also cant wait to see what this next year brings us. I know that it will bring us closer and make him grow even more into the man I want to spend forever with. And I'm doing the same; becoming the woman he deserves. We can do it Shawn.

So, for his year mark. I made a video with the help of Jazmin. Enjoy :)

365 Days

Click on this link ^^

I love you Shawn. 365 days down.

365 days to go :)


  1. that was the cutest video ever! Congrats! and what song was that in the video?

  2. I just started following your blog and I love it!! That was a way cool video!! Congrats being on the down hill side of things :)
