Dec 25, 2011


Christmas 2011
What a day.
Waking up at 5:20
because the little brothers were so excited;
getting everything I wanted;
A laptop, cute jewlery, clothes, stuff about my mishh;
and of course
Shawny's Package.
That was so fun to open!
He spoiled me!

Chile bag, B.O.M. in spanish, Chilean money, pass along cards in
spanish, a change carrier, and those two name tags!

Both of these were hand made.
Spiderman hat, and freakin sick jacket.
He knows me so well!!!

But of course..
this is what means the most to me.
He wore this.
I love thinking that.
He walks around everyday with the Lords name on his badge.
I am so proud of my boyy.
He is amazing.
Thanks you so much babe for that amazing
Christmas Package.

The rest of the day went something like this.
Falling asleep in church;
eating lots of food;
party at the Lambs house;
got my favorite lotion;
Went home and enjoyed another family party
with my dads side;

and while all this was going on..
i was waiting for one text.
one text that would either make me very happy
or crush my world.
Lets see if you can guess what it was..

Shawn's mom told me to drop off the presents on the porch.
It hurt.
All I wanted was my Christmas Wish.
All I wanted was to see him on Christmas.
Everyone else got to either talk or skype with
their missionaries on Christmas
and mine just so happens to be down the street
and I couldn't even watch him open his presents.
I couldn't help but start to cry.
I then went to drop off the presents at their house.
I got Shawn 2 really nice shirts for Pday
and I made him a necklace with E<3 on it.
its manly, dont worry.
and I made his parents a sign that said

"Mis-sion-ary: Someone who leaves their family
for a short time, so others will be with their families for

I then got a very sweet text from her
telling me how much she loved the present
and how much Shawn loved his!

But I'm still very sad over the fact that
its Christmas..
and I couldn't see him.

It was a very good day, and I have a lot to be grateful for
but this would of only made it the best christmas ever.

I miss him so much.
I was looking thru old photos
and these were the pictures taken last year at this time.
I love you babe.

Then for the rest of the night
I just enjoyed being with my whole fam
watching Christmas Vacation.
Time to hit the sack.
Merry Christmas Everyone.
Merry Christmas Shawn.
I love you.

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