Mar 2, 2016


I can't even believe I'm writing this blog post. Its unreal to me that I have a one year old. Where did the year go?! It has been the best year of my life.

I want you to know how much I love you. You have been the biggest blessing to me and your dad. Your birthday is the best day of my life. From the moment I heard your heart beat for the first time, I couldn't believe how much I already loved you. And then the second they laid you in my arms for the first time, my love for you was stronger than I have ever felt. I want you to know that you have the ability to change lives for the better and I know this because you have changed mine. I also want you to know that you are in every smile I make because you make me the happiest person in the world. you are loved by so many and you are my BEST friend. Being your mom has been the best. I love you beyond words Hadley Jeanne. And as much as I miss holding your 5 pound little body, I am loving all these stages of your life. Watching you grow makes me so happy. Every moment that we get to spend together, we just laugh. You have the funnest personality. And from the moment you were born, you were the happiest baby. And thats something I love about you. You are ALWAYS happy. You make me laugh so hard, you test my patience to no end, and know when youre being naughty that it's too hard to be mad at you. You have me wrapped around your little finger. And as you grow, I hope you never forget how special you are. Especially to me. Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed when he blessed me with you and you are everything to me. I can't imagine a world without you in it. I don't know how I ever lived with out you. I love you unconditionally Haddy girl, and I'm so proud of you. Every day. You make me the happiest mama in the world. I love you more than words can describe. And I'm so lucky to spend every day with you this next year, and every year.

Happy Birthday sweetie.
-love walking. In fact, its all you like to do. For hours.
-are really fast too. Especially when you see stairs.
-LOVE ballons. You say ''oon!''
-love tickle fights.
-love playing chase. I chase you around the house and instead of running away you run into my arms because you're scared. Except you're laughing the whole time.
-know when you're being funny.
-know when you're being naughty.
-know what ''No'' menas. And listen to mom and dad really well! good job!
-love you're sleep and know exactly when its nap time and bed time.
-say ''Da-Da'' ''Ma-ma'' ''Oon'' for balloon '' ''Ba-ba'' ''Mmmm'' when food is really yummy
-loves straws and lids to mom's diet cokes at Fiiz
-love watching Strawberry Shortcake, Ice Age, Madagascar, Elmo, Mickey Mouse, Ariel, and Mother Goose Club
-can wave Hi and Bye
-can show how old you are by lifting one finger
-pretend to talk on the phone and say "Hi''
-kick your ball around the house all day. Future soccer player?
-love food
-love sippy cups
-hate your binky now
-freak out when you see other kids because you want to play
-love the Zoo and the Carousel

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