May 3, 2015


There is something you should know about me. I absolutely love Fiiz. And for those of you who don't know what Fiiz is, it's a cute little drink place. Seriously. The cutest. And to really sum it up, it's the Mormon Starbucks. HA! No joke. 9am- cars are lined up with ladies getting their Diet Coke! It's hilarious. But it's not just fountain drinks. It's a bunch of mix drinks. Like for example my favorite drink right now is called The Kallie-fornia. Its Sprite, Peach, Coconut, and Lime. TO-DIE-FOR. and they have the yummiest sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies. I could just go on and on but my mouth is watering and it's not open today sooo I better stop talking about it.

Atleast once a week, if not more, Holly and I go to Fiiz for a Fiiz Date with our babies. We spent 2 hours there just talking and laughing. 

And of course taking pictures.

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