Apr 29, 2014

Life through my phone

Wow, I am officially the worst blogger. I haven't updated this in a long time. So sorry! But I am back. Not a whole lot going on over at the Larkins. We are either working or Shawn is at school. I was looking through my phone yesterday and realized I just have a bunch of random pictures. So here. Take a look through my phone.

The cutest baby ever. My friend Mary had this sweet baby girl 6 weeks ago and I love cuddling with her. And that picture with her in the sink? Yeah. If she gets fussy, they turn on the sink and she loves it! She loves water. Its adorable. 

 Date nights are my favorite. We went to City Creek. We ate yummy food and shopped. 

This was on Easter. We spent the day at my parents having dinner and an easter egg hunt. It's always a good time getting together with the whole family, laughing and having a great time.

 Let me explain this picture and why I am icing my face. I'm sure many of you have heard of permanent make up. Well, that's what I got done. I actually got it done in January but this was my touch up. Many of you don't know this, but some do, I have the thinnest eyebrows. Not to mention they are super blonde too.. So every day when I did my make up I had to shape and fill in my eyebrows. Such a pain. And now they are perfect. The best part is that I don't have to even touch them in the morning. 
For a week, they are super ugly tho! They bleed (sometimes) and you have to put tons of Vaseline on them every hour so they always look goopy. But after a week, they look natural. So natural that you wouldn't even know I got them done unless I told you. 


So there ya have it. A look through my phone. Exciting huh?? 



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