Oct 9, 2013

Love my Punkin'

I love Fall. It's easily my favorite season. Big sweaters, leggings, scarfs, boots, jackets, and hoodies; what's not to love?! Shawn's funny though. He says, "Em why do you love fall so much? It's ugly. Everything is dying!" Oh well :)

I'm such a boring wife though. Shawn's been wanting to go to a Haunted House so bad but I refuse to go! Even when we were dating in High School, I never went. It's too scary! I don't like poppy outty things! That suspenseful feeling of walking through something scary and just knowing something is about to pop out is a feeling most people like and I don't understand haha. I hate it! Oh but don't worry, I'll go to real haunted houses! I'm crazy. This weekend, Shawn and I are going on a haunted tour in Ogden. I'll let you all know how it goes. I'm really excited. And really looking forward to saying hi to my ghost friends ;)

Another think I love about fall is pumpkins. Carving pumpkins, pumpkin candles, pumpkin bread, pie, cookies, whatever! I love pumpkins. And it's funny because I used to hate it until this year. So conference Saturday, Shawn and I went to a pumpkin patch with our friends Holly and Jordan. It was my first time at a pumpkin patch and I was in heaven. We went down this slide that you sit on a potato sack and go way fast down this tunnel slide. and it was way fun! I laughed all the way down. I felt like a little kid. Then we all got talking about the haunted house there and haunted corn maze and I knew what was going to happen. "Emily lets go!!!" and my immediate reaction "NO!!!" hahaha I'm ridiculous.

It was a cute place though.. for kids. But we had fun. We picked out our punkins and next week, we'll carve them and watch a scary movie :)

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