Ahh what a day. I say that like I've been really busy or something- but that is not the case. Well I guess I have been but not with the things that I really should get done. I look around my house and it's just a mess. And not that, pick-up-your-shirt, fold-the-blanket, kind of mess. It's the, I need to vacuum, dust and get organized kind of mess. This past month it's been nothing but rain here in Utah and I think that leaves people in a sloppy mood. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the rain. In fact, it's my favorite. but when it's raining outside, I definitely just want to stay inside and snuggle Haddy all day. So the sun is FINALLY shining and it's looking like the next week is going to be in the 80's so I want to start spring cleaning. I have a list of things that I want to get done and no money. Booo.
I've been in such a home decor mood lately. Yesterday I even went to Hobby Lobby and get a few things. They are currently sitting in the back of my car of course, but I promise I'll get around to putting it all up. ha ha.
Shawn has been gone the last couple days. and by gone I mean working like crazy. He is currently working two jobs. I hate it so much, but I am grateful he is such a hard worker. I always have to tell myself that- That I'm so grateful he is such a hard worker- because it really does suck how much he is gone. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week he works 7am-Midnight. He goes from one job to the next. So he is gone before I wake up and home when I'm asleep. It's awful. I miss him a lot. Atleast it's not all the time but still. I think that's another reason my house is such a mess. I love to clean, I don't know why.. maybe I got that from my mother. Everytime I go to her house she says "Ugh my house is such a mess" when in reality it's spotless ha ha. And I'm totally the same way. My friends think I'm crazy that I clean so much.. but for me.. it's therapy. I really do enjoy cleaning and seeing the lines in my carpet from the vacuum. Ok ok something is wrong with me, I get it. but lately, I just haven't really cared and It's probably because Shawn isn't home to enjoy a clean house so why bother right? Ah I guess I know what I'll be doing all day tomorrow! Is it weird that I'm actually looking forward to it??
Anyway. Today I actually did organize Hadley's room. I packed up all her newborn clothes. Ok saddest day of my life. Was my child really that small one upon a time? I miss my tiny 5 pounder. You should see her now. She is all chunk. I love it.
Let's see, what else can I ramble about.
We got my brothers itinerary today! I can't believe he will be home so soon. July 9! That's crazy. 2 years goes by soooo fast. I'm so excited for him to come home. And especially for him to meet his niece.
Man, I can't believe Hadley is still sleeping. It's been 2 hours. She must be really tired. and I should be taking full advantage of that and go pick up the kitchen.
May 28, 2015
May 26, 2015
3 Months
How is my baby already 3 months old!! I can't believe it.
-love sitting on mommy or daddys lap while watching TV.
-have to be facing out so you can see everyone and everything.
-love to eat (clearly)
-love swimming and look so darn cute in a swimming suit
-love watching Barney
-hate the car. unless someone is sitting by you.
-love playing with your floor toy
-want to roll over so bad. you're almost there.
-are so strong. you always want to stand up
-still hate getting burped. you always arch your back.
-try so hard to break out of your swaddle blanket but thats the only way you will sleep at night
-smile alllllll the time. you are such a happy baby
"Mom are we done yet?"
I love those little lips Hadley girl.
Mid-sneeze. haha
Since you were born, you always held your hands like this. Whether you're sleeping in your swing, or sitting in your car seat or on someone's lap- you love holding your hands. It's the cutest thing.
Oh yes, and you suck on your fingers all the time too. In fact, you always gag yourself when you did it. This was right before you gagged yourself. You stick your finger down your throat. I always laugh and then you do it again. It's hilarious.
May 7, 2015
2 Months
-have the cutest little roles in your arms and legs
-don't mind the diaper change anymore
-keep your eyes on me at all times. If I leave the room while you're in your swing, you freak out.
-still love your swing
-still grunt all the time. more than ever. it's like you're talking to us now haha.
-love to eat. clearly.
-slept through the night ONCE. (HEAVEN!) but now you usually sleep 6.5 hours straight and then go back to bed for 2 more.
-wake up around 6:30am but all you want to do is cuddle in my bed until 7:30 or 8.
-always keep your arms above your head.
-hate the car. hate your car seat. If we want to go anywhere, you have to be asleep.
-love your daddy's voice. you smile so big at him all the time.
-you always smile. and you have laughed a couple times. melt my heart.
-suck on your hands all the time.
-blowout of your diaper a lot. *sigh*
-love your binki
-hold your head up so well
-love the sound of rain. (just like your mama)
-have learned to fake cry
A Name and a Blessing
Sunday, April 26 was a beautiful day. It was the day that sweet Hadley girl received a name and a blessing from her daddy. I was so excited for this day. Her blessing dress, which was the dress I also wore when I was blessed, hung in her room for a week. I could not wait to put her in it. That morning was such a sweet morning. Hadley was an angel. She wasn't fussy, she was so happy. I waited til the last possible second to put her in her dress in case she decided to spit up all over it or poop. I was so happy when she pooped before I put her in the dress but sure enough the second she was in the dress, she pooped again. Luckily it didn't get on her dress at all.
Once she was in her dress and I placed the bow on her head that I got her when I found out I was having a girl, tears filled my eyes. Seeing my baby girl in white was incredible. She looked absolutely beautiful. I then fed her a bottle and rocked her to sleep so she would sleep during church.
I am so lucky to have so much support. The chapel was full of friends and family. There were also those that passed on in that room as well and I could feel them right next to me.
Shawn gave her the most beautiful blessing. He mentioned in the blessing how much she has blessed so many lives already in her short little life so far. I, of course, lost it. I have never felt so much love for someone. For two people, both Shawn and Haddy. Oh how I love my little family.
We love you Hadley girl.
The shoes I wore for my blessing that my Grandma Elkins made.
Once she was in her dress and I placed the bow on her head that I got her when I found out I was having a girl, tears filled my eyes. Seeing my baby girl in white was incredible. She looked absolutely beautiful. I then fed her a bottle and rocked her to sleep so she would sleep during church.
I am so lucky to have so much support. The chapel was full of friends and family. There were also those that passed on in that room as well and I could feel them right next to me.
Shawn gave her the most beautiful blessing. He mentioned in the blessing how much she has blessed so many lives already in her short little life so far. I, of course, lost it. I have never felt so much love for someone. For two people, both Shawn and Haddy. Oh how I love my little family.
We love you Hadley girl.
The shoes I wore for my blessing that my Grandma Elkins made.
May 4, 2015
Babies Don't Keep
Last night as I woke up with you in the middle of the night to feed you, my heart was so full. I just stared at your little face and thought about how much you have changed our lives. You have made me the happiest mama. I didn't know I could love someone so much like I love you. I then thought about the first little moments we had together and how you just stared at me with those big eyes as I held you for the first time. I also didn't know I could miss someone so much as they took you away to the nursery to clean you. I kept telling your daddy to send me pictures and when he sent me the picture of you holding his finger, my heart melted. Your daddy loves you so much too Hadley girl.
I then thought about how you had a hard time with feeding at the beginning, but it's okay. That's normal. I thought about the first time I fed you a bottle. It's a really funny story actually. I gave you a bottle and you just seemed to love it. You chugged and chugged that bottle. Then when I burped you, you spit up (what seemed like) the whole thing! Haha. Your daddy then took you to the nursery for them to watch you while we ate dinner. He told the nurses that you were spitting up but they didn't seem to be bothered by it. Then after we had dinner, daddy went to pick you up and the nurses were concerned. They asked your daddy how much of the bottle you ate. He replied "The whole thing." The nurses laughed and said "Oh no. She was only supposed to maybe have a fourth of that!" haha woops! We just thought you loved it and drank the whole 2 ounces!
So as I was feeding you, I laughed to myself as I thought about that story as being a new mom.
I then just kept staring at your little face. Your little button nose that you got from your mom. Your cute chin you got from you dad. I thought to myself, 'How are you already 2 months old?'. It's bitter sweet how fast you grow. It's hard for me to remember my little 5 pound baby curled up in a ball. I love your rolls and the smiley phase you are in now, but sometimes I miss my little 5 pound baby. Of course I look forward to all your next stages in life. I am so excited for when you can run around and call me "mommy''. But last night I realized how fast you do grow, so I rocked you a little longer. I wasn't eager to get back to bed. I just rocked you and cuddled you and tickled your little face because I know you won't stay little forever. But you will always be my little girl.
Mother, O Mother, come
shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison
the moth,
Hang out the washing, make
up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter
the bread.
Where is the mother whose
house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery,
blissfully rocking,
Oh, I've grown as shiftless as
Little Girl Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye
Dishes are waiting and bills
are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek,
The shopping's not done and
there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a
But I'm playing Kanga and
this is my Roo
Look! Aren't her eyes the most
wonderful hue?
Lullabye, rockaby, lullabye
The cleaning and scrubbing
can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've
learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust
go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby
and babies don't keep.
May 3, 2015
There is something you should know about me. I absolutely love Fiiz. And for those of you who don't know what Fiiz is, it's a cute little drink place. Seriously. The cutest. And to really sum it up, it's the Mormon Starbucks. HA! No joke. 9am- cars are lined up with ladies getting their Diet Coke! It's hilarious. But it's not just fountain drinks. It's a bunch of mix drinks. Like for example my favorite drink right now is called The Kallie-fornia. Its Sprite, Peach, Coconut, and Lime. TO-DIE-FOR. and they have the yummiest sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies. I could just go on and on but my mouth is watering and it's not open today sooo I better stop talking about it.
Atleast once a week, if not more, Holly and I go to Fiiz for a Fiiz Date with our babies. We spent 2 hours there just talking and laughing.
And of course taking pictures.