May 7, 2015

A Name and a Blessing

Sunday, April 26 was a beautiful day. It was the day that sweet Hadley girl received a name and a blessing from her daddy. I was so excited for this day. Her blessing dress, which was the dress I also wore when I was blessed, hung in her room for a week. I could not wait to put her in it. That morning was such a sweet morning. Hadley was an angel. She wasn't fussy, she was so happy. I waited til the last possible second to put her in her dress in case she decided to spit up all over it or poop. I was so happy when she pooped before I put her in the dress but sure enough the second she was in the dress, she pooped again. Luckily it didn't get on her dress at all.

Once she was in her dress and I placed the bow on her head that I got her when I found out I was having a girl, tears filled my eyes. Seeing my baby girl in white was incredible. She looked absolutely beautiful. I then fed her a bottle and rocked her to sleep so she would sleep during church.

I am so lucky to have so much support. The chapel was full of friends and family. There were also those that passed on in that room as well and I could feel them right next to me.

Shawn gave her the most beautiful blessing. He mentioned in the blessing how much she has blessed so many lives already in her short little life so far. I, of course, lost it. I have never felt so much love for someone. For two people, both Shawn and Haddy. Oh how I love my little family.

We love you Hadley girl.

The shoes I wore for my blessing that my Grandma Elkins made.


  1. This is adorable!! I love all of the photos!! Such a happy family :) Congrats Emily!
