May 26, 2015

3 Months

How is my baby already 3 months old!! I can't believe it.

-love sitting on mommy or daddys lap while watching TV.
-have to be facing out so you can see everyone and everything.
-love to eat (clearly)
-love swimming and look so darn cute in a swimming suit
-love watching Barney
-hate the car. unless someone is sitting by you.
-love playing with your floor toy
-want to roll over so bad. you're almost there.
-are so strong. you always want to stand up
-still hate getting burped. you always arch your back.
-try so hard to break out of your swaddle blanket but thats the only way you will sleep at night
-smile alllllll the time. you are such a happy baby

 "Mom are we done yet?"

 I love those little lips Hadley girl.

 Mid-sneeze. haha

 Since you were born, you always held your hands like this. Whether you're sleeping in your swing, or sitting in your car seat or on someone's lap- you love holding your hands. It's the cutest thing.

 Oh yes, and you suck on your fingers all the time too. In fact, you always gag yourself when you did it. This was right before you gagged yourself. You stick your finger down your throat. I always laugh and then you do it again. It's hilarious.

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