Aug 31, 2015


What in the WORLD. How is Hadley already 6 months old. I must be dreaming. She is so fun right now tho. It's so funny how their little personalities come out at such a young age. I am so so so grateful to be her mama. It's the best job in the world. I wouldn't trade it for a thing.

-laugh a little more
-get really excited when we make you a bottle
-are starting to cry when mom or dad leave the room
-sit up on your own a little better
-still put everything in your mouth
-love bananas and sweet potatoes
-love standing up
-get really mad when you roll over to your stomach. you're so close to rolling back over
-love love LOVE your dad
-love all your toys
-could be in your jumperoo for hours
-sleep 12 hours STRAIGHT! makes mama really happy ;)
-sleep in your crib
-grab everyone's face
-don't like a lot of attention
-''talk'' to your stuffed bunny
-love playing with toys in the bath
-can almost hold your own bottle. you'll do it for a minute and then realize that I'm there to do it for you. hahaa
-have so many chunky rolls, I just want to eat you up I love you so much.


(This picture is more accurate of what she really wanted to do during the little photoshoot. All she wanted to do was play with the balloons and take off her hat)

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