Aug 16, 2015


I can't believe my baby is 5 months old. Where does the time go? I swear it was just yesterday she was 5 pounds. Oh, how I miss those days. I miss snuggling her all day with her head on my chest. I miss the funny newborn faces and that newborn smell. I miss the newborn cry! Her cry now is so loud haha. I mean, I could go on and on about the things I miss. But I am loving the stage she is in right now. She rolls all day long and laughs so much. Her smile kills me and I promise she can get away with anything when she smiles at us. She ''talks'' and gives me kisses. Learning to sit up on her own. Everything is so fun with her. And I truly am the luckiest mom to have her as my daughter. Being a mom is truly the best job in the world. 

I love you Haddy-girl.

-weigh a womping 16.2 pounds
-love playing on your side. I'll put you on your back, and you always turn to your side and play with your toys. Until you roll over, and then you're stuck.
-haven't quite figured out how to roll from your stomach to your back
-roll from your back to your stomach all day long
-love to laugh and smile
-still hate the car and car seat
-always give me kisses on the cheek 
-have already been to Hawaii
-do this cute thing when you try to fall asleep by holding your binky in your mouth but switch hands until you fall asleep
-are getting pretty wiggly while I change your diaper. You're starting to roll over while I do it.
-love love LOVE your Jumperoo
-are very bashful. When someone says hi to you or talks to you, you smile and bury your head in my shoulder.
-Sleep through the night!!
-love bath time.
-started rice cereal, and hate it haha.
-can throw a mean temper tantrum haha
-can ALMOST sit up by yourself for a long time
-can ALMOST hold your own bottle

Trying out Rice Cereal for the first time

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